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Documentation of Starting Cohort Newborns (SC1)

Version 12.0.0

Below you will find detailed additional information regarding the surveys, instruments and data from the Starting Cohort Newborns. This documentation refers to the version 12.0.0 and will be updated successively. In case of questions, simply contact the Research Data Center.

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Data Manual (more) PDF-en
Release Notes (more) TXT-en
Survey Instruments (more) ZIP
Information on Competence Tests (more) ZIP
Semantic Data Structure File (more) ZIP
Codebook (more) PDF-de PDF-en
Glossary (mehr) PDF-en
Samples, Weights, Nonresponse (more) ZIP
Generated Variables on Education (more) PDF-en
Regional data (more) PDF-de PDF-en
Anonymization Procedures (more) PDF-en
Field Reports (more) ZIP

Starting Cohort Early Childhood

More Documentation

In addition to the overview on this site, we offer further information about the data from Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns):