With RemoteNEPS, LIfBi offers a secure system of remote data processing using a modern remote desktop technology, which enables the analysis of sensitive information that cannot be provided as download data. Working in the remote environment takes place exclusively on LIfBi's server; access to the Internet (including the independent installation of software) and local storage of files are by definition not possible. However, data users can import their own files via the Research Data Center (FDZ) both into the system (e.g. prepared syntax) and export them from the system (e.g. results files). The so-called „X:\“ exchange directory is provided for this.
The import and export of files always requires prior manual control by FDZ employees. All import and export processes are logged and archived. Please note the instructions at the end of this website!
Procedure for the EXPORT of files
First, save and close the files to be exported in the RemoteNEPS system.
Second, copy the files intended for export into the „X:\Export“ folder. Make sure that all files to be exported are closed. Files still open in the application cannot be checked and exported.
Third, leave the „X:\Export“ folder and log out of RemoteNEPS properly using the start button and „Start > Log off“.
Open the NEPS homepage in your browser and log in using the corresponding button (top right) with username (nu-number) and password.
Navigate to the website RemoteNEPS in the menu bar „Data Access“. There you will find the button selection for the export and import of files in the right sidebar.
Click on „Export“ and confirm the dialogue displayed under the button selection with „Yes“. This confirmation automatically triggers an e-mail to the FDZ, which informs about the export request.
The files are then checked manually by the FDZ. For this purpose, the files are removed from the export folder and the export folder is hidden. The FDZ will notify you of the result of the check by e-mail. The files released for export are then available for download. At the same time, a 7-day embargo period starts until the next possibility to export files from RemoteNEPS.
To download the files, log on to the NEPS homepage again and go to the RemoteNEPS website. Below the Import/Export menu selection you will find the field „RemoteNEPS downloads“ with the exports sorted by date as buttons. By clicking the corresponding button you can save the files locally on your computer. The entire folder is exported as an unencrypted ZIP archive.
Procedure for the IMPORT of files
Log on to the NEPS homepage with your username plus password and switch to the RemoteNEPS website.
Click the „Import“ button in the menu selection on the right sidebar and use "Browse" to select the desired files from your local directories. If you want to import several files, please combine them into an unencrypted ZIP archive (WinZIP, no WinRAR or 7-Zip) and upload it for import into RemoteNEPS.
After selecting the file or ZIP archive, please confirm the „Import“ request.
The files are then checked manually by the FDZ. The FDZ will notify you about the result of the check by e-mail. The imported files are now available in RemoteNEPS.
Log in to RemoteNEPS and open the folder „X:\Import“. The folder with your username and the import date in its name contains the files released for import. Move them into the personal „Y:\“ directory or into a project directory under „Z:\Projects“. Alternatively, you can copy the files and then delete them in the import directory.
Important instructions for EXPORTING and IMPORTING
No datasets with IDs and corresponding data rows may be exported! Files permitted for export are log files, aggregated data or result tables, syntax files, graphics, etc. These restrictions do not apply to imports. However, only files that can be opened and edited with the software available in RemoteNEPS should be imported.
All files must be checked manually by FDZ staff. In order to keep the checking effort as low as possible, no more than 30 files should be included in one request.
Please restrict the export to information that you need for further processing outside of RemoteNEPS. The size of the individual files should not be too large, e.g. a log file should not exceed the limit of 1,000 KB (Note: In Stata, commands with „quietly“ are only executed in the background and not logged in the log file). If possible, do not export the same file in different formats. It is best to export files in a format that can be further edited and converted outside the RemoteNEPS environment (Note: In Stata, the „estimates save“ command can be used to save results in the flexible .ster format). If there are good reasons for exporting a file in different formats, please give the FDZ a short note in the form of a text file (.txt) within the export.
Normally, import and export requests are processed within 1 to 2 working days. In exceptional cases, if an export request contains more than 30 files, the check and release can take up to 7 working days or longer. In principle, the lower the checking effort, the faster the provision.
File formats that cannot be usefully opened in RemoteNEPS cannot be exported. This applies, for example, to very large .eps files and .aux files.
After an export has been initiated, a 7-day embargo period comes into effect during which no further exports are possible. You should therefore select the files to be exported carefully. In justified cases, the FDZ can lift the embargo period early upon individual request by e-mail. No embargo period applies to imports.
All export and import processes are logged in the system and the respective files are archived in RemoteNEPS.