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Tuesday | June 8, 2021 |
09:00 am -
09:15 am |
Welcome and Opening of the NEPS Conference
Christian Aßmann (LIfBi)
>> Room A: >>
09:15 am -
10:00 am |
Opening Lecture: Modeling cluster-level constructs with individual-level measures
Suzanne Jak (University of Amsterdam, NL)
>> Room A: >>
10:00 am -
10:15 am |
Break |
10:15 am -
11:15 am |
Symposium 1: It’s about time: Using logdata-based response times to address measurement issues in surveys & assessments
Chair: Tobias Deribo | Support: Jana Welling
>> Room A: >>
Studying the missing data mechanisms behind filtering rapid guessing in cognitive assessments (Deribo, Kröhne & Goldhammer)
Validating ability-related time components in reading tasks with unit structure (Engelhardt, Kroehne, Hahnel, Deribo & Goldhammer)
Mixture IRT identification of rapid responding using response times in questionnaires (Kroehne, Buchholz & Goldhammer)
Session 1
Chair: Eren Özberk | Support: Anna Scharl
>> Room B: >>
Modeling the dynamics between maths and reading skills with continuous-time models (Jindra, Sachse & Hecht)
Applying continuous-time modeling to PISA data: An illustration (Lohmann, Zitzmann & Hecht)
Using subgroup discovery and latent growth curve modeling to identify unusual educational trajectories (Kiefer, Langenberg, Lemmerich & Mayer)
Session 2
Chair: Anika Bela | Support: Eva Zink
>> Room C: >>
Company? Yes please! Using the NEPS to analyse why apprentices with Abitur decline university (Preböck & Annen)
The effect of teacher characteristics on students’ science achievement (Sancassani)
How stable is the relationship between education and class in Germany? Empirical distributions, counterfactual worlds, and a configurational analysis of NEPS data (Glaesser)
Networking Platform
Support: Sören Reimers
>> Room D: >>
11:15 am -
11:30 am |
Break |
11:30 am -
12:30 am |
Session 3
Chair: Timo Gnambs | Support: Jana Welling
>> Room A: >>
Comparing original and marginal trend estimates in large-scale assessment studies: Analytical derivations and a simulation study (Robitzsch & Lüdtke)
Analyzing PISA Mathematics 2000-2012: Evaluating the effects of the choice of calibration samples, item samples, estimation method, and linking method (Heine & Robitzsch)
The impact of measurement error for causal effect analysis: An illustration with NEPS data (Sengewald & Mayer)
Session 4
Chair: Ariane Würbach | Support: Anna Scharl
>> Room B: >>
Challenges of representativeness in survey research: An evaluation of the ERiK Surveys 2020 (Schacht, Gedon & Gilg)
Adjusting to the survey: How within-survey interviewer experience relates to interview duration (Pirralha, Haag, & von Maurice)
SES and gender bias in teacher assessments and their consequences for achievement inequality (Olczyk & Schneider)
Session 5
Chair: Christoph Homuth | Support: Eva Zink
>> Room C: >>
Labour market returns of ICT competences - status quo and methodological perspectives (Thürer & Annen)
Hidden Figures – Profiles and potentials of returns to education in working German adults (Reinwald & Annen)
A distributional analysis of gender gaps in wages and numeracy skills (Battisti, Fedorets, & Kinne)
Session 6
Chair: Claus H. Carstensen | Support: Sören Reimers
>> Room D: >>
Increasing test efficiency of the teacher knowledge survey module of TALIS 2024 through multidimensional adaptive testing (Fink & Frey)
The performance of item selection algorithms in Mokken scaling for various sample size: An empirical example with intelligence scale (Özberk)
Distributed Leadership and Alignment Optimization: A comparative, cross-cultural perspective across 40 countries (Eryilmaz) +++ CANCELED +++
12:30 am -
01:00 pm |
Lunch Break |
01:00 pm -
01:45 pm |
Announcement of winners of the NEPS Publication awards and short presentations of the award winners
Laudator: Christian Aßmann (LIfBi)
>> Room A: >>
01:45 pm -
02:00 pm |
Break |
02:00 pm -
03:30 pm |
Keynote Presentation: Longitudinal modeling with discrete and continuous latent variables
Matthias von Davier (Boston College, U.S.)
>> Room A: >>
03:30 pm -
04:00 pm |
Break |
04:00 pm -
05:30 pm |
Symposium 2: Using process data for investigating test-taking behavior
Chair: Esther Ulitzsch | Support: Jana Welling
>> Room A: >>
Under pressure: Measuring cognitive abilities under instruction-induced time pressure (Alfers, Gittler, Ulitzsch & Pohl)
How do examinees balance response time and accuracy on cognitive tests? Using mixture modeling to Investigate different test-taking strategies (Beverly, Loken & Weissman)
A multilevel mixture IRT framework for modeling response times as predictors or indicators of response engagement in IRT Models (Nagy & Ulitzsch)
Using sequence mining techniques for understanding incorrect behavioral patterns on interactive tasks (Ulitzsch, He & Pohl)
Session 7
Chair: Marie-Ann Sengewald | Support: Anna Scharl
>> Room B: >>
The achievement gap in reading competence: The effect of measurement non-invariance across school types (Rohm)
Unfairness, rater bias and further applications for DIF-approaches in large-scale assessment (Gürer & Draxler)
Measurement invariance: Dealing with the uncertainty in anchor item choice by Bayesian model averaging (Schulze & Pohl)
Borrowing historical information for the analysis of large-scale assessments (Kaplan)
Session 8
Chair: Sina Fackler | Support: Eva Zink
>> Room C: >>
Indicating information deficits at the start of university: A novel method to measure student’s level of informedness (Mouton & Ertl)
Social origin - Key concept and blackbox? (Siegel, Gröschl & Wohlkinger)
How can we measure young adults’ reading behavior: Is the title-recognition-test (TRT) a good alternative? (Pfost, Schnabel & Locher)
Comparing the construct validity of trait estimates of different response formats in the measurement of learning strategies (Tupac-Yupanqui, Heine, Schiepe-Tiska & Reiss)
Networking Platform
Support: Sören Reimers
>> Room D: >>