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Update for Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


An updated data version 10.1.0 for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 is now available for scientific use. This update corrects a critical error in the vocabulary competence data.

The current update for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC1:10.1.0) removes a critical error in the xTargetCompetencies dataset - see the corresponding message (external) here. Due to a misspecification in the “sum score” of the receptive vocabulary test PPVT-4 (construct “Vocabulary: listening comprehension at word level”), test items that were not presented to the child because they were below the basal set were not included in the scoring in earlier versions of the Scientific Use File. This error concerned all measurement points except for survey wave 4. When working with the variables von4_sc3, von6_sc3, von8_sc3, and von10_sc3, we strongly recommend using this update and subsequent releases!

Furthermore, the variable p723180 (“School authority”) in the dataset spParentSchool was supplemented by a generated variable p723180_g1 (“School authority, corrected”). The new variable identifies cases where information on church-run schools was captured incorrectly, which led to an overestimation of their share.

In the datasets pParent and pEducator, an error was corrected in generating the variable p67801k_g1 (“SDQ scale: hyperactivity”).

The Release Notes on the SC1 website in the “Documentation” section inform about all changes made.

(external) Starting Cohort 1: Documentation