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News archive

New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 6 (Adults) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 6 are now available in version 15.0.0 for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 5 (First-Year Students) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 5 are now available in version 19.0.0 for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 are now available in version 11.0.0 for scientific use.


New RDC newsletter "LIfBi data No. 15" published


The biannual newsletter “LIfBi data” provides regular information about data releases, events, and other news from the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (RDC LIfBi). The newsletter can be received by e-mail; subscribing to and unsubscribing from the mailing list is possible via our website.

LIfBi data No. 15


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 2 (Kindergarten) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 2 are now available in version 11.0.0 for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 3 (Grade 5) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 3 are now available in version 13.0.0 for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 4 (Grade 9) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 4 are now available in version 14.0.0 for scientific use.


New RDC newsletter "LIfBi data No. 14" published


The biannual newsletter “LIfBi data” provides regular information about data releases, events, and other news from the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (RDC LIfBi). The newsletter can be received by e-mail; subscribing to and unsubscribing from the mailing list is possible via our website.

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International comparative research on education and migration: New data package CILS4NEPS now available


CILS4NEPS is the first Scientific Use File available for research purposes that combines and harmonizes data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries project with data from the NEPS Starting Cohort 4 – Grade 9. The combination of the two data sources opens up completely new research potential in the field of educational and migration research. Among other things, CILS4NEPS makes it possible to use information from the NEPS Starting Cohort 4 for international comparisons with England, the Netherlands and Sweden.


Linked data packages NEPS-SC4-ADIAB and NEPS-SC6-ADIAB extended


New versions of linked survey data from the National Educational Panel Study with administrative data of the Institute for Employment Research are now available for Starting Cohort 4 (Grade 9, NEPS-SC4-ADIAB) and Starting Cohort 6 (Adults, NEPS-SC6-ADIAB). With the update, the data horizon of the administrative information has been widened by two years up to and including 2021. In addition, the NEPS data now cover up to wave 13 (SC4) and wave 14 (SC6).


8th NEPS conference on the research potential of linked data sets


The conference year 2023 at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) ended in early November with the 8th International NEPS Conference. The focus was on working with data sets from the linking of survey and test data with administrative data. For the first time since the coronavirus pandemic, the conference was held as an in-person event at LIfBi again, with an additional live webcast. Embedded in the two-day conference were the keynote lecture by Professor Bernd Fitzenberger, Ph.D., and the announcement of this year's NEPS Publication Award.


Update for Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


An updated data version 10.1.0 for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 is now available for scientific use. This update corrects a critical error in the vocabulary competence data.


NEPS Publication Prize awarded to international group of early childhood development researchers


During the opening of the 8th International NEPS Conference this year's NEPS Publication Prize was awarded to researchers from the University of Bamberg (DE), the University of Bristol (UK) and Columbia University (USA) for a joint publication.


Critical data error in vocabulary competence of SC1


In the Scientific Use Files of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns), a critical data error has occurred in the vocabulary competence (PPVT). Affected are, according to current knowledge, the variables von6_sc3, von8_sc3, von10_sc3 (Vocabulary: sum) in the dataset SC1_xTargetCompetencies. Unfortunately, it cannot be ruled out that the use of these variables leads to incorrect results.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 6 (Adults) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 6 are now available in version 14.0.0 for scientific use.


Update for NEPSscaling available


The new version 3.1.2 of the R package NEPSscaling includes changes due to adjustments in the Scientific Use Files and updates in underlying R packages. All available combinations of starting cohort, competence domain and survey wave can be retrieved with the package’s function „currently_implemented()" in NEPSscaling. In the RemoteNEPS environment, the R package will be usable from September 19, 2023.

(external) Further informationen on Plausible Values


Linked data package NEPS-SC5-ADIAB extended


A new version of linked survey data from the National Educational Panel Study of Starting Cohort 5 (First-Year Students) with administrative data of the Institute for Employment Research (NEPS-SC5-ADIAB) is now available for research. With the update, the data horizon of the administrative information has been widened by two years up to and including 2021. In addition, the NEPS data now cover up to wave 18.

(external) Further information on the IAB-FDZ website


New RDC newsletter "LIfBi data No. 13" published


The biannual newsletter “LIfBi data” provides regular information about data releases, events, and other news from the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (RDC LIfBi). The newsletter can be received by e-mail; subscribing to and unsubscribing from the mailing list is possible via our website.

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COORDINATE Summer School at LIfBi with participants from 14 countries


In July 2023, a total of 31 researchers from 14 countries met for one week at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) for the 2nd COORDINATE Summer School. Organized by the Research Data Center (FDZ-LIfBi), the event focused on learning special analysis techniques for evaluating, in particular, the competency and episodic data of the National Education Panel Study (NEPS). In addition to an introduction to the framework concept of the NEPS study and the structure of the scientific-use files, the program included a series of guided exercises on data preparation and analysis as well as a presentation on sequence data analysis. The program concluded with a presentation of the research ideas developed during the week.


Linked data package NEPS-SC1-ADIAB extended


A new version of linked survey data from the National Educational Panel Study of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) with administrative data of the Institute for Employment Research (NEPS-SC1-ADIAB) is now available for research. With the update, the data horizon of the administrative information has been widened by two years up to and including 2021. In addition, the NEPS data now cover up to wave 10.

(external) Further information on the IAB-FDZ website


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 5 (First-Year Students) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 5 are now available in version 18.0.0 for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 4 (Grade 9) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 4 are now available in version 13.0.0 for scientific use.


Update for Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 3 (Grade 5) released


An updated data version 12.1.0 for the NEPS Starting Cohort 3 is now available for scientific use.


Student Teacher Panel: Extensive Data Set on Career Progression and the Situation of Young Teachers in Germany


The "Student Teacher Panel" (LAP) project has created a unique data collection that provides extensive information on the educational and occupational paths of (prospective) teachers. The data cover a period of 9 years and allow a detailed analysis of teacher training and the professional situation of teachers in Germany. They can be used to develop recommendations for practice and educational policy. A recent publication in the Journal of Open Psychology Data describes the project, the data, and their research potential.


LIfBi invites to the 8th International NEPS Conference


The 8th International NEPS Conference will take place on November 9 and 10, 2023 as a symposium on the topic „Survey Data Linked to Administrative Data: NEPS-ADIAB & Co.“ in presence at LIfBi. Registration for free participation will be possible via the website starting July 1. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations can be submitted until July 31.


New anthology on DFG Priority Program 1646: NEPS data show education as a lifelong process


A new open access book titled "Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories" on the DFG Priority Program 1646 "Education as a Lifelong Process. Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)" has now been published. The anthology was edited by Sabine Weinert, Gwendolin J. Blossfeld and Hans-Peter Blossfeld and combines 18 contributions based on the analysis of longitudinal data from the National Educational Panel Study.


New transfer series NEPS Forschung kompakt: First issue on the development of ICT competencies in adolescence


For young people, social media such as Instagram or WhatsApp are the communication tools of choice. A new evaluation using data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) on information and communication technology (ICT) competencies of 15- to 18-year-olds has now provided surprising findings: social activities such as chatting or sharing pictures and videos do not have a positive effect on competencies in using digital communication and information technologies. On the contrary, too intensive use of socially interactive services can even lead to lower digital skills overall among young people. In contrast, there is good news with regard to the differences between girls and boys.


New RDC newsletter "LIfBi data No. 12" published


The biannual newsletter “LIfBi data” provides regular information about data releases, events, and other news from the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (RDC LIfBi). The newsletter can be received by e-mail; subscribing to and unsubscribing from the mailing list is possible via our website.

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New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 are now available in version 10.0.0 for scientific use.


Linked data package NEPS-SC3-ADIAB newly available


NEPS-SC3-ADIAB combines the survey data of respondents from NEPS Starting Cohort 3 (Grade 5) who have left the general education system in the meantime on the individual level with administrative data of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). The new data package is now available to researchers for scientific analyses.

(external) NEPS-ADIAB data portfolio


A Look Back at the 7th NEPS Conference


The 7th International NEPS Conference of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) took place again in virtual format this year on December 5 and 6. About 300 scientists from Germany and abroad met for exchange. On the first day of the conference, the "NEPS Publication Award" was again presented for outstanding papers based on NEPS data - this year it had been awarded to Barcelona and Dublin. The two-day conference was organized by the team of the LIfBi Research Data Center (FDZ-LIfBi).


Update for Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


An updated data version 9.1.1 for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 is now available for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 3 (Grade 5) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 3 are now available in version 12.0.0 for scientific use.


First surveys in the new NEPS starting cohort run until the end of January


Surveys within the new National Education Panel (NEPS) starting cohort 8, with the study title "Education for Tomorrow's World," began on schedule in October. It is the first wave of surveys among the new participants and is intended to collect important data on the future of education. The focus is on fifth-grade students and their teachers. In the coming years and decades, they will be accompanied on their further educational trajectories within the framework of NEPS.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 5 (First-Year Students) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 5 are now available in version 17.0.0 for scientific use.


Conference program of the 7th International NEPS Conference published


The program of the 7th International NEPS Conference of LIfBi with more than 50 presentations, several posters, a keynote by Prof. Regina T. Riphahn, Ph.D., and an honorary lecture by the winners of the "NEPS Publication Award" has been finalized. The conference will be held in virtual format on December 5 and 6, 2022.


Mourning for Michael Kanders


The network partners and employees in the NEPS network mourn the unexpected passing of Dr. Michael Kanders on August 22.


New RDC newsletter "LIfBi data No. 11" published


The biannual newsletter “LIfBi data” provides regular information about data releases, events, and other news from the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (RDC LIfBi). The newsletter can be received by e-mail; subscribing to and unsubscribing from the mailing list is possible via our website.

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New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 2 (Kindergarten) released


Data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 2 are now available in version 10.0.0 for scientific use.


LIfBi extends its data portfolio with external research data for the first time: Prepared data on health behavior and accident occurrence in school age now available


With the release of the Scientific Use File of the panel study "Health Behavior and Injuries in School Age" (Gesundheitsverhalten und Unfallgeschehen im Schulalter, GUS), a first data package generated entirely outside the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories has been integrated into LIfBi's research data infrastructure. The acquisition took place within the framework of a project funding by the Consortium for the Social, Behavioral, Educational and Economic Sciences (KonsortSWD).


Second Call for Modules: NEPS is again looking for proposals for new survey contents


The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) invites all interested researchers to submit proposals for new questions within the framework of the the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). This is the second time that the largest long-term education study in Germany has opened itself up to external content. This year's "Call for Modules" is thematically narrowed: Applications are being sought for target dimensions of education that expand the existing survey programme in order to collect data on the long-term effects of education over the life course after the end of the narrow-meshed surveying of the participants. Proposals can be submitted until the end of October 2022.


Update for Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


An updated data version 9.1.0 for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 is now available for scientific use.


Graphical user interface for NEPSscaling available


The new version 3.0.0 of the R package NEPSscaling allows to perform independent estimation of Plausible Values (PV) using a graphical user interface. This interface provides additional tools for visualizing the estimated PV and the imputations of background data. Furthermore, the estimation of PV for grammar in Starting Cohort 2 as well as the introductory usage examples were updated. All available combinations of Starting Cohort, competence domain and assessment wave can be retrieved with the package’s function “currently_implemented()”. The R package and all other documents can be downloaded from the NEPS website.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 6 (Adults) released


Data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 6 are now available in version 13.0.0 for scientific use.


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 5 (First-Year Students) released


Data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 5 are now available in version 16.0.0 for scientific use.


3,000 researchers worldwide registered for use of NEPS data


By the end of the first quarter of 2022, the number of researchers who have registered to use the data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) has increased to 3,000. A recent survey among data users also revealed a high level of satisfaction with the data offered by the NEPS. 94 percent of those surveyed stated that they would recommend the data to others for use based on their own experiences.


Linked data packages NEPS-SC4-ADIAB and NEPS-SC4-ADIAB extended


New versions of linked survey data from the National Educational Panel Study with administrative data of the Institute for Employment Research are now available for Starting Cohort 4 (Grade 9, NEPS-SC4-ADIAB) and Starting Cohort 6 (Adults, NEPS-SC6-ADIAB). With the update, the data horizon of the administrative information has been widened by two years up to and including 2019. In addition, the NEPS data now extend to wave 12 (SC4 and SC6).

Researchers who are already registered to use NEPS-ADIAB can apply informally for an update of the corresponding data package by sending an e-mail to the Research Data Center of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB-FDZ).

(external) Further information on the IAB-FDZ website


New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 1 (Newborns) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 1 are now available in version 9.0.0 for scientific use.


New RDC newsletter "LIfBi data No. 10" published


The biannual newsletter „LIfBi data“ provides regular information about data releases, events, and other news from the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (RDC LIfBi). The newsletter can be received by e-mail; subscribing to and unsubscribing from the mailing list is possible via our website.

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Program for the NEPS data trainings 2022 available


This year, the Research Data Center at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) is again conducting a series of German- and English-language training courses on the data portfolio of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). The offer consists of several basic and advanced modules, which can be attended separately. All events take place virtually via Zoom. Participation is free of charge; registration can be made informally by e-mail.

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