With the publication of the first Scientific Use File (SUF) in 2011, the data offering of the Research Data Center (RDC-LIfBi) was launched. The 32 initial data users have now grown to 3,000 (excluding multiple counts), having access to a range of SUFs from to date 68 survey waves. SUFs regarding further LIfBi projects have also been published, e.g. for the regional study BiLO (Bildungslandschaft Oberfranken) or the refugee project ReGES (Refugees in the German Educational System).
NEPS data users come from research institutions in 32 countries, and the share of international data users is currently 12.2 percent. "This shows how unique and profitable NEPS data from Germany are for educational research worldwide," says Dr. Daniel Fuß, head of the Research Data Center at LIfBi. In order to further facilitate the use of the SUFs for this group of people and at the same time ensure the high data protection standards, the remote access technology RemoteNEPS was recently converted to a fully online registration.
User survey shows high level of satisfaction
The second NEPS user survey on the data and services offered by the RDC-LIfBi took place at the end of 2021. An important goal was to gain an overview of the use of individual elements of the NEPS survey program and to identify possible gaps. Looking at the assessments of these respondents, which were asked on a scale of 1 ("very dissatisfied") to 5 ("very satisfied"), the range of NEPS topics in terms of content meets with broad approval overall, with an average value of 4.21. Ninety-four percent of respondents also indicated that they would recommend using the NEPS data based on their own experiences.
The user survey was also linked to a fundraising campaign: For every questionnaire linked to an incentive and answered, the institute donated five euros to the SOS Children's Villages' "Education in Africa" project. Thanks to the lively response, more than 1,000 euros were donated.
Link to video tutorials: https://www.neps-data.de/Datenzentrum/%C3%9Cbersichten-und-Hilfen/NEPS-Tutorials
Link to NEPS data access: https://www.neps-data.de/Data-Center/Data-Access
Link to the registration for virtual NEPS user training: https://www.neps-data.de/Data-Center/User-Training