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New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 3 (Grade 5) released


New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 3 are now available in version 11.0.0 for scientific use.

The current Scientific Use File (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC3:11.0.0) contains newly added information from the eleventh wave of the NEPS fifth graders’ starting cohort. The survey was conducted over a period from autumn 2019 to spring 2020 with telephone interviews among school leavers and individually tracked pupils including a subsequent online survey among university students, apprentices in their final year of training and pupils at general and vocational schools who are still attending the upper secondary level (CATI [alternatively CAPI] + CAWI). The focus of the survey was on biographical information since the last interview or since primary school in the case of target persons who were interviewed outside of school for the first time. A competency test did not take place. Detailed information on the contents and realization of this wave can be found in the corresponding Field Report on the website in the section “Documentation“. The Release Notes with explanations on the current data edition as well as numerous other materials can also be accessed there.

(external) Starting Cohort 3 including documentation

(external) NEPS Data Portfolio including download

(external) NEPS Data Access including application forms