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News archive 2012

Professor Hans-Günther Roßbach presented the report of the „Aktionsrat Bildung“ on professionalization in early education


On February 28, 2012, the Bavarian industry association vbw hosted a conference about the importance of day care facilities as institutions of education and the role played by pedagogical specialist staff. As part of this conference, Professor Hans-Günther Roßbach, Chair of Elementary and Family Pedagogics at the University of Bamberg and Head of the Departments  “From Kindergarten to Elementary Schools” and “Learning Environments” of the National Educational Panel Study, presented the current report of the “Aktionsrat Bildung”: Professionalisierung in der Frühpädagogik. Qualifikationsniveau und -bedingungen des Personals in Kindergärten (Professionalization in Early Education: Qualification Levels and Conditions Required of Kindergarten Staff)

In the photo (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Roßbach (National Educational Panel Study), Dr. Christof Prechtl (Bavarian industry association vbw), Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Blossfeld (National Educational Panel Study)
In the photo (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Roßbach (National Educational Panel Study), Dr. Christof Prechtl (Bavarian industry association vbw), Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Blossfeld (National Educational Panel Study) 
The recommendation that „Until the year 2020, every day care facility should have at least one specialist with a university degree” (report, page 13) leads Professor Roßbach to the final statement of his presentation that urgent action is needed. During the following plenary discussion, Professor Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Chair of Sociology I at the University of Bamberg and Principal Investigator of the National Educational Panel Study, explored several main arguments in more detail.