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News archive 2012

Meir Yaish presented findings of a collaborative research project with Robert Andersen

From February 5 to February 10, Meir Yaish (Chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Haifa, Israel) visited the NEPS. In his talk "Public Opinion on Income Inequality in 20 Democracies: The Enduring Impact of Social Class and Economic Inequality" he presented findings of a collaborative research project with Robert Andersen (University of Toronto).
Key findings include both micro and macro level relationships that seem to add up rather than interact with each other. Within societies individuals endorse higher levels of income inequality the higher their own class position and the higher the class position of their family of origin. Between-country comparisons show that higher levels of income inequality correlate with higher average endorsement. The talk inspired a lively discussion about methodological and statistical questions as well as policy implications of the reported findings.