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NEPS at the 20th academic colloquium of the Federal Statistical Office “Micro Data Access – International and National Perspectives”

From November 10-11, 2011, the National Educational Panel Study took part in the academic colloquium of the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden.
International experts from curatorial and academic research centers came together under the slogan “Micro Data Access – International and National Perspectives”. Moderated by Prof. Dr. Rässler (Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg), the main topics of the discussion including, for example, innovative methods and proceedings concerning the academic access to micro data in curatorial statistics as well as statistical methods of data synchronization, were discussed in an interdisciplinary fashion. Between the conflicting priorities of data protection on the one hand and the academic usability of curatorial data on the other hand, the topic of remote access, an especially efficient and highly advanced distribution process, also received special attention. Dr. Jan Skopek and Tobias Koberg took part in the discussion to represent the NEPS Data Center.

Link to the offical website of the Federal Statistical Office