Selected Publications
<p><strong>Grobe, F. B.</strong> (2017): Prüfungsformen und Kompetenzbeförderung – Empfehlungen für ein „gutes Studium“ aus studentischer Perspektive. In: König, Kirsten (Hg.): Gut studieren? Heute! Spurensuche nach Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten eines gelingenden Studiums in Bologna-Strukturen. AVM.edition.</p>
Selected Presentations
<p><strong>Grobe, F. B.</strong> (2017): Modelling of Interviewer Experience. Presentation at the 7<sup>th</sup> Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Lisbon, Portugal, 17.-21.07.2017.</p><p>Attig, M., <strong>Grobe, F. B.</strong> &amp; Karwath, C. (2017): The role of interviewers in personal interviews and test situations. Symposium at the 7<sup>th</sup> Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Lisbon, Portugal, 17.-21.07.2017.</p><p>Neuenhaus, N., <strong>Grobe, F. B.</strong> und Artelt, C. (2016). Self-reported strategy use and its relation to strategic text processing and re-reading within a computer based multiple-choice reading test. Presentation at the&nbsp;7<sup>th</sup> International Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 25.08.2016.</p>