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Technology Based Testing

The operational unit “Technology Based Testing (TBT)” is part of the NEPS methods team. In close collaboration with LIfBi, TBT deals with innovative survey techniques and testing methods—for example, computer- and internet-based competence testing. The TBT is situated at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation) in Frankfurt as part of the interdisciplinary operational unit for technology based assessment (TBA).

Aims and Objectives

By means of research-based services, project-specific development, and adapting of software products, as well as scientific concomitant research, the TBT supports the introduction and implementation of technology-based testing within the NEPS. Especially for domains that are tested multiple times due to the longitudinal design of the National Educational Panel Study—such as reading, math, natural sciences, and ICT literacy—the effects of the survey mode on competence testing are evaluated on the basis of mode-effect studies combined with linking studies and also with the aid of experimental survey designs. For this purpose, psychometric procedures such as the quantification or correction of mode effects are examined and applied in order to implement the conversion to computer-based competence testing within the NEPS.

After the successful introduction of computer-based testing in noninstitutional and selected institutional survey settings of the NEPS, the research and development focus is currently set on the use of features of technology-based testing to advance and optimize assessments. This is done with regard to the validity (e.g., through simulation-based assessment of ICT literacy), the increase of measurement efficiency (through computer-based adaptive testing or multistage testing), as well as the use of log and process data (e.g., response times). Innovative technology-based procedures (e.g., digital pens, eye tracking, mobile assessment, and measurement of response times) are applied as part of the operational unit TBA at DIPF. In addition to this, output practice (online testing, test distribution via USB key) is tried out on school hardware to prepare for future computer-based tests.

The TBT provides support, training, and advice concerning the computerization of tasks with the CBA ItemBuilder for the NEPS stages and pillars. In cooperation with the operational unit “Scaling and Test Design”, the TBT compiles ready-for-delivery modules for computer-based testing and interviewing. An item-management portal and solutions regarding the storage of computer-based test instruments are currently in preparation.

Please contact the TBT team at neps(at)

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