Description of Starting Cohort 2—Kindergarten

Main Study 2010/11, Study Number A12/B11

1 Master sample: 4-year-olds in Kindergarten (panel start 2010/11)

1.1   Target persons: 4-year-olds in Kindergarten reaching school age in 2012

  • Sample: Testing and survey are conducted in a nationwide, representative sample of day-care facilities. Day-care facilities were defined in accordance with the federal and state statistical offices, which relate to the operating license (§ 45 SGB VIII) and the size of the facility (at least 10 places available, from which at least five must be occupied). In order to be able to accompany the 4-year-old children later in the school context as well, we used an indirect sample drawing. This indirect sample drawing is based on a nationwide, representative sample at elementary schools. Schools with a Grade 1 level were drawn by means of a size-proportional random selection and are at the same time the basis for the upcoming main survey in 2012 in Grade 1. Since these elementary schools are to connect the early child survey with the school surveys in the National Educational Panel Study, all day-care facilities from which children may transfer on to the schools featured in this sample have been previously identified. Out of these facilities the participating day-care facilities were determined by random sampling. Questionnaires and tests will be administered in these facilities. All 4-year-old children from the selected day-care facilities are invited to participate. This procedure will ensure that a high number of 4-year-olds in Kindergarten will also be included in the sample of first graders.

1.2   Context persons: Parents

  • Definition: The parents of the children (target persons) included in the sample are invited to participate.

1.3   Context persons: Educators

  • Definition: Kindergarten teachers of the children (target persons) included in the sample are invited to participate.

1.4   Context persons: Heads of Kindergarten facilities

  • Definition: The heads of Kindergartens which the children (target persons) attend are invited to participate.

Number of cases:

n (planned) explanation
approx. 3,000 1.1 children

Field time: January to April 2011 (testing and questioning in the day-care facilities) and January to May 2011 (parent CATI)

Data collection: IEA DPC – IEA Data Processing and Research Center, Hamburg, (responsible for testing and questioning at Kindergarten) and infas – Institute for Applied Social Sciences, Bonn (responsible for the parent CATI)

Mode of survey: Competence tests for children, written questionnaire for educators and heads (PAPI), and computer-assisted telephone interview of parents (CATI)

Main Study 2011/12, Study Number A13/B12

1 Master sample: 4-year-olds in Kindergarten (panel start 2010/11)

1.1   Target persons: 5-year-olds in Kindergarten

  • Sample: Panel sample. Follow-up survey and testing with 5-year-olds in Kindergarten who were selected and willing to participate in the main study 2010/11.

1.2   Context persons: Parents

  • Definition: All parents of the children (target persons) who were willing to participate in the CATI instrument for parents are invited to participate again.

1.3   Context persons: Educators

  • Definition: All Kindergarten teachers of the children (target persons) are invited to participate again.

1.4   Context persons: Heads of Kindergarten facilities

  • Definition: All heads of Kindergartens which the children (target persons) attend are invited to participate again.

Number of cases:

n (planned) explanation
approx. 3,000 1.1 children

Field time: Winter 2011 to spring 2012 (testing and questioning in the day-care facilities) and winter 2011 (parent CATI)

Data collection: IEA DPC – IEA Data Processing and Research Center, Hamburg, (responsible for testing and questioning in Kindergarten) and infas – Institute for Applied Social Sciences, Bonn (responsible for the parent CATI)

Mode of survey: Competence tests for children, written questionnaire for educators and heads (PAPI), and computer-assisted telephone interview of parents (CATI)

Main Study 2012/13, Study Number A14/B13

1 Master sample: 4-year-olds in Kindergarten (panel start 2010/11)

1.1   Target persons: Grade 1 students at regular schools

  • Sample: Panel sample. Follow-up survey and testing of selected students from regular schools of the main study 2010/11 who were prepared to participate and a refreshment sample.

1.2   Context persons: Parents

  • Definition: The parents of the students (target persons) included in the sample are invited to participate.

1.3   Context persons: Teachers

  • Definition: Class teachers of the students (target persons) included in the sample are invited to participate.

1.4   Context persons: School prinicipals

  • Definition: All principals of the selected schools are invited to participate.

Number of cases:

n (planned) explanation
7,365 1.1 students

Field time:February to March 2013 (first tranche) and May to June 2013 (second tranche) for testing and questioning in schools and May to July 2013 (first tranche) and July to August 2013 (second tranche) for the computer-assisted telephone interview of parents (CATI)

Data collection: IEA DPC – IEA Data Processing and Research Center, Hamburg, (responsible for testing and questioning at Kindergarten) and infas – Institute for Applied Social Sciences, Bonn (responsible for the parent CATI)

Mode of survey: Competence tests for children, written questionnaire for educators and heads (PAPI), and computer-assisted telephone interview of parents (CATI)

Starting Cohort Kindergarten