=================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 6 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** changes and updates for release NEPS SC6 8.0.0 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC6:8.0.0) ** =================================================== * Known Issues * - an updated data manual is yet to be published; please refer to the manual of version 3.0.1 for details on the data structure =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 8.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 8 have been incorporated into the data =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 7.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 7 have been incorporated into the data spVolunteerWork: - in wave 6 interviews, an episode module regarding volunteer work had been surveyed; this module had been missing in versions 6.0.0 and 6.0.1; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 6.0.1 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate spSchool: - variable "School-leaving certificate" [ts11209] suffered a coding error in version 6.0.0; this also led to erroneous codings in derived educational codes ("ISCED-97" [tx28103], "CASMIN" [tx28101], "Years of Education[tx28102]) and misleading spell structure of the generated Education file as well as the respective data provided in the Basics file; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 6 have been incorporated into the data - in version 5.1.0, SPSS data sets erroneously were not equipped with MISSING VALUES definitions; this has been fixed; this can be corrected in version 5.1.0 using the following SPSS syntax: * ---------- BEGIN SPSS code ---------- *. SPSSINC SELECT VARIABLES MACRONAME="!numvarlist" /PROPERTIES TYPE=NUMERIC . MISSING VALUES !numvarlist (-99 THRU -5) . * ---------- End SPSS code ---------- *. This solution assumes that SPSS is installed including the Python integration plugin; if this is not the case, the macro '!numvarlist' has to be defined manually as a list of all numerical variables in the current data set - up to wave 3 (NEPS main study 2), external exams have been recorded as part of the regular school or vocational training spell module (resulting in episodes as part of spSchool and spVocTrain, respectively); starting from wave 4 (NEPS main study 3), these exams are now recorded in a separate module each (resulting in events in spSchoolExtExam and spVocExtExam, respectively); with release 6.0.0 of NEPS:SC6, events from waves 1 through 3 have been moved to these separate datasets, and erased from spSchool and spVocTrain - subspell-harmonization (filling variables in generated, harmonized subspells [spgen==1] in spell data sets) still had few issues in version 5.1.0; this has been fixed; in short, these issues could been describe as follows: variables that are automatically filled by the survey instrument with pre-loaded values from an earlier interview, but should contain the original value (from a preceeding wave) in the harmonized spells, erroneously contain the later (pre-loaded) value in the harmonized sub-spell; this can lead to erroneus values especially in generated variables, e.g. coded occupations in 'spEmp'; the following Stata syntax solves the problem (enter the desired list of variables into the local macro 'correctvarlist'; replace 'splink' with the corresponding spell identifier 'partner' or 'child' in entity spell files): * ---------- Begin Stata code ---------- * local correctvarlist ts23201_g* // 'ts23201_g*' is an example for occupational variables in the spEmp data set local spellvar splink // 'splink' is the correct identifier in all data sets besides 'spPartner', 'spChild' and 'spChildCohab' foreach var of varlist `correctvarlist' { bysort ID_t `spellvar' (subspell) : assert ID_t==ID_t[2] if (spgen==1) bysort ID_t `spellvar' (subspell) : assert `spellvar'==`spellvar'[2] if (spgen==1) bysort ID_t `spellvar' (subspell) : replace `var'=`var'[2] if (spgen==1) } * ---------- End Stata code ---------- * spVocTrain: - integration of variable "Type of vocational training program" [ts15201] from wave 1 (ALWA) into newer waves has been erroneous in versions up to 5.1.0; this has been fixed spEmp: - in the spEmp dataset, variable "Time restriction" [ts23310] erroneously contained the unlabeled value "0" instead of the system missing value in (sub-)episodes; this has been fixed; in version 5.1.0, the following Stata syntax can be used to fix the problem: * ---------- Begin Stata code ---------- * replace ts23310=. if ts23310==0 * ---------- End Stata code ---------- * spChild: - in version 5.1.0 and earlier, the dataset spChild erroneously contained information from wave 4 about 56 children of target persons with more than 5 children that have been erroneously pre-loaded during field work; these children have been correctly re-administered lateron in wave 5 and all subsequent waves; thus, sub-spell information from wave 4 has been erased in the 6.0.0 release spResidence: - in version 5.1.0 and earlier, the dataset spResidence erroneously contained 1093 missing values for wave 1 participants that have left the panel before wave 3. This has been fixed. pTarget: - in dataset pTarget, variables "Specialized fair/congress: professional/personal reasons" [t272802_w1] and "Specialized fair/congress: Learned something new" [t272802_w1,t272802_v1w1] as well as the corresponding variables for "Lectures" [t272802_w2,t272802_w2,t272802_v1w2] and "Self-instruction programs" [t272802_w3,t272802_w3,t272802_v1w3] in version 5.1.0 and earlier erroneously were not filled for all interviewees reporting the specific further education activity; this has been fixed - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [t400500_g1,t400500_g2,t400500_g3] in the pTarget dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [t400500_g1v1,t400500_g2v1,t400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 5.1.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - subspell-harmonization (filling variables in generated, harmonized subspells [spgen==1] in spell data sets) erroneously filled system missing values in variables that should have been filled by variable harmonization; this has been fixed as a consequence, all generated data sets that rely on these harmonized information had to be consecutively updated; i.e. 'Biography', 'Education', 'Weights' and 'Basics' spSchool: - variable 'School attendance in Germany?' [ts11103] had erroneously been flipped with variable 'Practical vocational instruction' [ts11237] in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Practical vocational instruction' [ts11237] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variables 'School-leaving certificate' [ts11209] and 'Prospective school-leaving certificate' [ts11214] had erroneously not been filled for ALWA spells in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed spFurtherEdu2: - variables 'Financial support through social capital' [t323510] and 'Care support through social capital' [t323520] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed spEmp: - variable 'Auxiliary variable: Type of employment' [ts23911_v1] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Economic sector (WZ 2008)' [ts23240_g1] had erroneously been missing for observations from the ALWA survey; this has been fixed pTarget: - variable 'Info job: personal environment 1' [t324540] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Reference job' [t325520] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Social circle further education: professional or personal reasons' [t32457a] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variables '... learned something new' [t272802_v1w*] had erroneously been integrated into one variable in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - concerning ISCED-97 for mother, father: ISCED-97-category '4A' added for cases who reported both: 'Abitur'etc. and vocational training (the latter does not include university degrees in this context); - distinction between ISCED-97 '3B' and '5B' now more precise for NEPS waves when 'Berufsfachschule' vs. 'Fachschule' was reported (this cannot be distinguished for ALWA, which were still coded '5B' for such cases); spPartner: - concerning ISCED-97 for partner: ISCED-97-category '4A' added for cases who reported both: 'Abitur'etc. and vocational training (the latter does not include university degrees in this context); - distinction between ISCED-97 '3B' and '5B' now more precise for NEPS waves when 'Berufsfachschule' vs. 'Fachschule' was reported (this cannot be distinguished for ALWA, which were still coded '5B' for such cases); Weights: - in all releases up to version 5.0.0, variable 'Primary sampling unit: point number' [psu] erroneously calculated distinct sampling points between the ALWA and NEPS samplings, even if persons were drawn from the same point in the NEPS refreshment sample; the 'old' variable has been renamed to [psu_v1], whilst a new sample point indicator, [psu], consistently numbering all sample points across all samples, has been incorporated Education: - added additional vocational- and school exam information from spVocExtExam and spSchoolExtExam; - for the sake of linking information from a source spell data set, variables 'Exam number' [exam] and 'Source if information of educational qualification' [tx28100] have been added - if the temporal order of reported events cannot be identified (same date of exams, certificates etc.) to distinguish between ISCED-97 '4A' (second cycle: voc. training first - then 'Abitur' etc.) and '4B' (second cycle: 'Abitur' first - then voc. training), '4A' is used as a convention; - a (new) technical report on educational variables has been published online, please refer to it for further details on educational coding: https://www.neps-data.de/Portals/0/NEPS/Datenzentrum/Forschungsdaten/SC6/5-1-0/TR_Derived_Educational_Variables.pdf =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 5.0.0 * =================================================== General: - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional waves 4 and 5 have been incorporated into the data, including observations from a sample refreshment in wave 4 - all data editing scripts have been completely revised, and large parts have been completely rewritten to comply with NEPS' data editing standards from all Starting Cohorts; this may result in slight differences on the observation level of many data sets, but not its overall structure or results of an analysis, when comparing data from waves 1 through 3 with earlier release versions - all missing values that do not comply with the official NEPS editing standards (i.e. values -9 through -5) have been recoded to an equivalent value in the range -29 through -20 Biography: - programs checking for overlaps and gaps between episodes have been completely and consistently re-written; this will result in different start and end dates of episodes, and a different number of data edition gaps Education: - completed vocational- or school episodes but without any school-leaving qualifications or vocational degree are now classified in CASMIN as '1a' and in ISCED-97 as '0a/1A/1B', and included in the generate data set 'Education' - vocational episodes with 'senior official' ('hoehere Beamte') vocational degree are now all classified in CASMIN as '3b' and in ISCED-97 as '5a'. (A university degree is the usual requirement to be a 'senior official' and therefore assumed.) - the level of achieved school leaving qualification once reported cannot be decreased by future lower reports - the level of vocational degree can be decreased by future lower reports (e.g. vocational training following university studies). A total 'loss' of any degree is excluded; instead the last known level of vocational degree will be considered to classify CASMIN and ISCED-97 in those cases. - variable 'tx28102' (Years of Education), which is derived from CASMIN, now correctly classifies observations with '1a' in CASMIN level as '-20' ('no degree') - in case of CASMIN / ISCED-97 related episodes with exactly the same end dates, only the spells leading to the highest CASMIN and ISCED-97 level are incorporated into the generated data set 'Education' pTarget: - variables 't731301_g3' and 't731351_g3' (Years of Education), which are derived from CASMIN, now correctly classify observations with '1a' in CASMIN level as '-20' ('no degree') spPartner: - ISCED-97 ('ts31212_g1') and CASMIN ('ts31212_g2') values are only generated for integrated spells (i.e. 'subspell==0') - variable 'ts31212_g3' (Years of Education), which is derived from CASMIN, now correctly classifies observations with '1a' in CASMIN level as '-20' ('no degree') spResidence: - from wave 4 on, residential information is surveyed from the original ALWA population; this information, and all retrospective information from the ALWA study itself, are stored in the new data set 'spResidence' spVocExtExam: - new data from external vocational exams have been incorporated into this data set spSchoolExtExam: - new data from external school exams have been incorporated into this data set xTargetCompetencies: - data set 'xCompMethods' has been renamed to 'MethodsCompetencies' in order to comply with naming schemes in the other NEPS Starting Cohorts' Scientific Use data Weights: - all variables containing weights and other sampling-specific information have been extracted from data set 'Methods' and moved to a new data set 'Weights' in order to comply with naming schemes in the other NEPS Starting Cohorts' Scientific Use data Basics: - variable 'Birth in Germany (W/E) or abroad (reconstructed)' [t405000_g2] has been rename from t405000_g1 to t405000_g2 in order to avoid overlap of variables names with other NEPS Starting Cohorts =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 3.1.0 * =================================================== spSchool/Education: - missing values in ts11209 were corrected for the ALWA wave (-5 instead of -88 and -6 instead of -96); - some resulting classification errors in file Education have been corrected spVocTrain: - recoding of missing values -88 (until today) to standardized code -5 (until today) in end dates of interruption episodes (ts1532m_w*, ts1532y_w*) spCourses: - variable subspell removed; use ID_t, splink, and wave for merging with spell files FurtherEducation: - wrong codes in variables containing estimated course dates (tx2821m, tx2821y, tx2822m, tx2822y) have been corrected - missing values in tx28201 resolved Education: - episodes without any general or vocational degree deleted for CASMIN, ISCED-97 and "years of education" Methods: - variable for day of interview (intd) added - variable "Interviewer: ID" [ID_int], known as [tx80300] in release version 1.0.0, had been omitted; this has been corrected and the variable integrated into the data pTarget: - variable for day of interview (intd) added =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 3.0.0 * =================================================== General: - design weights for 283 respondents from the ALWA study that temporarily dropped out in NEPS main study 1 (wave 2) can not be calculated - Wave update from Starting Cohort 6: new wave data from second NEPS main survey (2010/2011) has been fully integrated; this scientific use file comprises now three waves (ALWA 2007/2008, NEPS 2009/2010, NEPS 2010/2010); version number has been adjusted to resemble the number of cumulated wave data - sample size increase up to 11,932 adults since 283 additional cases from the ALWA subsample participated in wave 3 - Selected highlights: updated and fully integrated life course data over three waves; additional concepts (like cultural capital); data from competence assessment (introduced in 2010/2011); new regional data (microm) - new datafiles available: spChildCohab, xTargetCompetencies (competences data, wave 3), xCompMethods (para data on competence assessment, wave 3), xTargetMicrom (regional data from microm database, accessible only on-site) - all SPSS datasets now ship with NEPS missing values (range [-99;-5]) marked as MISSING - preload data for interviews in wave 3 (second NEPS wave 2010/2011) have been added; this data is usually not needed, however, it might help to understand the course of an interview - metadata for all datasets has been revised and updated where appropriate - in all spell data sets, variable spstat ('Most recent (sub-)spell status') has been revised; codes 91 and 92 have been removed - in all spell data sets, for tracing the generation of edited times in Biopgraphy, original variables from the check module have been added. This includes: starting and ending times [{variable_start_month}_g1, {variable_start_year}_g1, {variable_end_month}_g1, {variable_end_month}_g1] as corrected by the check module, a variable marking right censoring of spell after checking routines [ts2312c_g1], and an indicator variable 'type of event' [spms] from check module, discriminating between 'dominant' and 'side' spells IMPORTANT NOTE: Those variables have been added for the sake of completeness and traceability. We strongly recommand to rely on fully edited episodes times that can be found in file Biography. pTarget: - variables inty/intm (interview date) have been added for usability concerns (from file Methods) - small coding corrections for variables t731454 and t731404 - variables fpmod, t733004, and t733005 were moved to file spPartner - variable t731301_g2 ('Mother: CASMIN') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731351_g2 ('Father: CASMIN') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731301_g2 ('Mother: CASMIN') has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; - variable t731301_g3 ('Mother: Years of education = f(CASMIN)') has been updated accordingly - variable t731351_g2 ('Father: CASMIN') has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; - variable t731351_g3 ('Father: Years of education = f(CASMIN)') has been updated accordingly - variable t731301_g1 ('Mother: ISCED') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731351_g1 ('Father: ISCED') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731453_g2 ('Father's occupation (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable t731453_g14 ('Father's occupation (ISEI-08)') has been added - variable t731403_g2 ('Mother's occupation (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable t731403_g14 ('Mother's occupation (ISEI-08)') has been added - a new variable t405000_g1 ('Born in Germany or abroad (reconstructed)') including an categories for born in east or west Germany has been reconstructed from spell information for non wave 1 respondents, reflecting the scale of t405000_v1 - variables t413510_R/t413510_D ('Household: 1st foreign language') have been renamed to t413501_R/t413501_D - multiple response variables ("Mehrfachnennungen") have been recoded for simplifying their usage: indicator variables for "refusal", "don't know", and "not in list" have been recoded to missing codes (-98,-97,-20) in the response variables and then removed. Following multiple response sets are affected: 1) t725001-t725013: 'repeated school years'; missing indicators t725014 and t725015 removed 2) t32404k-t32404s: 'Info job'; missing indicators t32404u and t32404v removed 3) t32502k-t32502t: 'Reference job'; missing indicators t32502u and t32502v removed 4) t32303k-t32303t: 'Help with application'; missing indicators t32303u and t32303v removed 5) t32405k-t32405s: 'Information job-related course'; missing indicators t32405w, t32405u, and t32405v removed 6) t32406k-t32406s: 'Information private course'; missing indicators t32406w, t32406u, and t32406v removed 7) t32457k-t32457s: 'Social circle further education: who?'; missing indicators t32457s, t32457u, and t32457v removed 8) t743021-t743031: 'Fellow occupant'; missing indicators t743032 and t743033 removed 9) t32091k-t32091s: 'Burt'; missing indicators t32091u and t32091v removed - variables t731403_g8, t731453_g8: EGP class scheme adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly the classes IVc and V) xTargetCompetencies: - new file containing scored items and scaled values from competences assessment that was conducted at wave 3 xCompMethods: - para data on competence assessment as generated by a specialized CAPI module at wave 3 spSchool: - variable ts11218 was recoded to -54 for spells collected in ALWA survey (wave 1); was set to system missing previously - variable marking right censoring of spell ts1112c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spMilitary: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2112c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spVocPrep: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts1312c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spVocTrain: - variable ts15215 was incorrectly labeled for ALWA cases (wave 1); an additional variable ts15215_v1 containing values and labels as generated in the ALWA survey corrects for that - variable ts15214_g1 had for some cases erroneously code -55 (not determinable) instead of system missings (no specification in open input abbras) - variable marking right censoring of spell ts1512c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) - variable 'Description of profession/subject (ISCO-88)' ts15291_g3 now adequately incorporates information about large company size where needed - variable 'Description of profession/subject (ISEI-08)' ts15291_g14 has been added - variable 'Aspired vocational education qualification (reconstructed)' ts15221_v1 has been reconstructed, reporting contents for successfully completed episodes only - variable 'Aspired vocational education qualification' ts15221_ha has been added - variable 'vocational education qualification' ts15219_v1 no longer reports contents for episodes not successfully completed; these episodes are edited to the value -6 'no leaving certificate' spEmp: - ts23210_* was incorrectly labeled for ALWA cases (wave 1); an additional variable ts23210_v1 containing values and labels as generated in the ALWA survey corrects for that - ts23243 was incorrectly labeled for ALWA cases (wave 1); an additional variable ts23243_v1 containing values and labels as generated in the ALWA survey corrects for that - variable 'Most recent (sub-)spell status' spstat has been revised; codes 91 and 92 have been removed - variable 'Episode updating' ts23101 is now correctly sorted before ts23102 - variable ts23201_g2 ('Job description (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable ts23201_g3 ('Job description (ISCO-88)') now adequately incorporates information about large company size where needed - variable ts23201_g14 ('Job description (ISEI-08)') has been added - variable ts23221 ('Job volume at end of occupation (part-time/full-time, reconstructed)') has been reconstructed from spell information for wave 1 interviewees, reflecting the scale of ts23218_v1 - variable ts23201_g8: EGP class scheme adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly the classes IVc and V) - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2312c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spUnemp: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2512c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spParLeave: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2712c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spGap: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2912c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) - value label for variable 'Kind of gap' ts29101_v1 has been corrected, swapping categories 6 and 7 spChild: - to enhance usability when analyizing child cohabition spells, those spells - previously being stored in a wide data format - have been extracted into a new data file called spChildCohab spChildCohab: - new file containing spells of cohabitation with own or other children (the data was previously stored in wide format within spChild) - the file contains cohabation spells which might be extended over panel waves - hence, the file has a genuine spell data format involing a spell and a subspell variable - harmonzised spells are identified by spgen=1 and subspell=0; thus, analougsly to the other spell files just select spells having subspell=0 (Stata: keep if subspell==0) for a plain and easy episode structure - cohabitation spells are related to children in spChild via the identifier "child" - variable marking right censoring of cohabitation spell ts3332c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spPartner: - variables fpmod (episode mode), t733004 (living apart together, current partner), and t733005 (frequency of contact, current partner) were moved from pTarget to spPartner - variable ts31212_g2 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (CASMIN)') now correctly classifies observations 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable ts31212_g2 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (CASMIN)' ) has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; - variable ts31212_g3 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (years of education=f(CASMIN))') has been updated accordingly - variable ts31212_g1 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (ISCED)') now correctly classifies observations 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable ts31226_g2 ('Partner: occupation (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable ts31226_g14 ('Partner: occupation (ISEI-08)') has been added - variable ts31226_g8: EGP class scheme adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly the classes IVc and V) spFurtherEdu1: - variable marking right censoring of spell t271048 has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) Methods: - additional wave 1 & 2 rows for additional cases from ALWA - new variable ALWAlatecomer marking the new cases who come from the ALWA sample but did not participate in wave 2 - additional weights (prob_w3/weight_isced_w3/weight_isced_w3_std) for wave 3 - new variable tx80220 (participation status) for indicating participation, temporary dropouts, and final dropouts Basics: - variable 'Highest CASMIN' [tx28101] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Highest ISCED' [tx28103] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Mother: CASMIN' [t731301_g2] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Father: CASMIN' [t731351_g2] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Mother: CASMIN' [t731301_g2] has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; variable 'Mother: Years of education = f(CASMIN)' [t731301_g3] has been updated accordingly - variable 'Father: CASMIN' [t731351_g2] has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; variable 'Father: Years of education = f(CASMIN)' [t731351_g3] has been updated accordingly - variable 'Mother: ISCED' [t731301_g1] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Father: ISCED' [t731351_g1] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Mother: SIOPS' [t731403_g6] has been added - variable 'Mother: MPS' [t731403_g7] has been added - variable 'Mother: ISEI-08' [t731403_g14] has been added - variable 'Mother: BLK' [t731403_g9] has been added - variable 'Father: SIOPS' [t731453_g6] has been added - variable 'Father: MPS' [t731453_g7] has been added - variable 'Father: ISEI-08' [t731453_g14] has been added - variable 'Father: BLK' [t731453_g9] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (SIOPS)' [tx29075] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (MPS)' [tx29076] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (ISEI-08)' [tx29077] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (BLK)' [tx29078] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (SIOPS)' [tx29065] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (MPS)' [tx29066] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (ISEI-08)' [tx29067] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (BLK)' [tx29068] has been added - variable 'Age at migration to Germany' [tx29007] has been added - variable 'Born in Germany or abroad (reconstructed)' [t405000_g1] has been added Education: - variable 'Highest CASMIN' [tx28101] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Highest ISCED' [tx28103] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55]