=================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 6 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** changes and updates for release NEPS SC6 15.0.0 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC6:15.0.0) ** =================================================== =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 15.0.0 * =================================================== General: - the variables tx80130, tx80131, tx80132 in Methods and tx80533 in CohortProfile with information about the linkage with administrative data from the IAB have been updated and refer now to version "NEPS-SC6-ADIAB 7522 v1" Episode data: - the rules for the generation of harmonized subspells in the episode datasets (sp*) have been revised and adjusted if necessary; this may result in different values in the variables of the data rows with "subspell==0"; it is therefore strongly recommended to work with the current data of the harmonized subspells! CohortProfile: - the variables tx8600*, which previously contained the dates on which the interview was conducted, were renamed to tx8601*, as from now on there are two variants of dates (tx8601* / tx8602*) in order to also specify the date of a subsequent online interview in the same survey wave pTarget: - the variables on the grandparents' country of birth (t4052*0_g*) and the variables on the migration- related generation status (t400500_g*) were revised and corrected; it is therefore strongly recommended to work with the current data: Firstly, the variable t405200 (“grandparent born abroad and moved to Germany after 1950”) has been split into two variables, as different question texts were used. In the ALWA sample (2007/2008), the target persons were asked: “Did one of your grandmothers or grandfathers move to Germany after 1950?” In the NEPS main surveys of wave 1 (2009/2010) and wave 3 (2011/2012), the question was: “Were any of your grandparents born abroad and moved to Germany after 1950?” Against this background, all values in t405200 were recoded to -54 (“missing by design”) for the ALWA sample, while the values for the samples of the NEPS main survey remained unchanged. The values from the ALWA sample were transferred to the newly created variable t405201 (“grand- parent moved to Germany after 1950”). For persons of the ALWA sample, this restructuring leads to minor shifts in the values of the derived variable t400500_g1 (“generation status") and its variant t400500_g1v1 as well as to larger shifts in the variable t400500_g2 (“missing/contra- dicting information about country of birth for generation status”) and its variant t400500_g2v1. Secondly, the generated variables t4052*0_g1R and t4052*0_g2 (“grandparents' country of birth”) were modified for those cases in which no explicit country information is available. The modification is based on the assumption that the grandparents of a person with parents born in Germany were also born in Germany. Accordingly, the grandparents' country of birth variables were coded as “Germany” for these cases. For cases with (a) missing information on the grandparents' country of birth AND (b) parents born abroad, no such assumption was made and the corresponding information was coded as missing. Thirdly, the variable t400500_g1 (“generation status”) and its variant t400500_g1v1 were corrected insofar as the grandparents' country of birth variables were not always used properly when deriving these variables in earlier versions of the Scientific Use File. Incorrect assignments to a certain generation status are now fixed. - several variables from the Corona module of the survey instruments were renamed (tm* -> th*) in order to harmonize them with the NEPS conventions of the other variables from this module; a list of the variables concerned can be found in the Data Manual under “Special Issues” - due to different time references in the question texts, there are two separate modules on the corona pandemic - one for temporary dropouts (respondents who did not participate in the last survey wave) and one for repeaters (respondents who did participate in the last survey wave); this distinction is reflected in two variable versions, whereby the original suffix for temporary dropouts has been renamed from “_w1” to “_v1” in the current Scientific Use File; the corresponding variables for the repeaters remain without a suffix xTargetCompetencies: - some variables had to be renamed to correspond to the general NEPS conventions (see Data Manual) MethodsCompetencies: - all variables had to be renamed to correspond to the general NEPS conventions (see Data Manual) spCourses: - all entries for which no course has been reported (variable t271000==0, -20, -97 or -98) have been removed from this dataset MaritalStates: - the syntax for generating this dataset has been completely revised; in particular, the identification of incorrectly reported partnership periods has been optimized; this also leads to a reduction of problematic cases in which no exact marital status can be specified - enriching the data with additional partner information from the "spPartner" spell dataset is now possible via matching with the newly added matching variable partner ("partner number") =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 14.0.0 * =================================================== General: - the variables tx80130, tx80131, tx80132 in Methods and tx80533 in CohortProfile with information about the linkage with administrative data from the IAB have been updated and refer now to version "NEPS-SC6-ADIAB 7520 v1" Episode data: - all missing values "-29 = value from the last sub-episode" in episode/spell data files have been replaced by the respective value; the data now also contains information that was not asked directly from the respondent but was necessary for interview and filter control; these values thus represent the last known value and can be used to track the filtering =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 13.0.0 * =================================================== General: - information on re-entry into the labor force after parental leave is now also available when a parental leave episode is added to the life history in the course of the data revision module; as before, the SUF files spParLeave and spGap contain a subset of these cases - the definition of parental leave has changed from originally asking the respondents to indicate parental leave only if they had a legal right to it and did not work more than 30 hours per week; as of wave 13, the definition of parental leave is up to the respondents themselves xTargetCORONA: - the dataset has been renamed from pTargetCORONA to xTargetCORONA and now contains only variables from the single May 2020 additional CAWI survey on the Corona pandemic (NEPS-C); the information on Corona- related questions collected in the regular panel survey wave 13 is integrated in the pTarget dataset spFurtherEdu2: - courses with references to revoked episodes have been deleted spPartnerCohab: - newly added dataset in the SUF; contains information on cohabitation with a partner spVocBreaks: - newly added dataset in the SUF; contains breaks in episodes of vocational training extracted from spVocTrain =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 12.1.0 * =================================================== General: - all spell datasets contained minor errors in the start and end dates of harmonized spells (subspell==0) for revoked episodes; this has been corrected - all variables related to the date of data collection (i.e. when the competency tests and CATI interviews took place) have been updated and are now centrally stored in the CohortProfile dataset (tx86***); the variables 'intm' and 'inty' have been removed from all other datasets Methods: - variable tx80302 ('Interviewer: age group') contained a coding error; this has been corrected =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 12.0.1 * =================================================== Biography: - due to partly wrong episode start and end dates, data editing gap episodes were created incorrectly or incompletely; these errors have been fixed with the update - episodes with missing information in both the start and end date variables have been removed and are no longer included in the Biography dataset =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 12.0.0 * =================================================== Data Manual: - the Data Manual of SC6 has been revised and supplemented; a new chapter 5 with helpful information on "Special Issues" in handling the data of the Scientific Use File has been added; many thanks to the NEPS colleagues at the IAB in Nuremberg and the WZB in Berlin for this (see the acknowledgement in the Manual on the third cover page) - the Data Manual can be downloaded from the NEPS website => Data and Documentation => SC6 => Documentation General: - new data from wave 12 (NEPS main survey: wave 11) have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - metadata for all variables have been revised and updated where necessary - all variables related to the date of data collection (i.e. when the competency tests or interviews took place) have been updated and are now centrally stored in the CohortProfile dataset (tx86***); the variables intm and inty have been removed from all other datasets pTargetCORONA: - PLEASE NOTE: the dataset also includes information on health-related limitations (variable t521055); some respondents indicated very severe or severe limitations while answering that they were in good or very good physical and mental health; in these cases, it is unclear how the respondents interpreted the question about limitations in daily activities - PLEASE NOTE: information on satisfaction with course of study, school or apprenticeship (variable t514010) is also available for those respondents who previously indicated that they were employed, although the response option "does not apply" was available; in these cases, it is unclear what respondents were referring to with their response, so the variable should - depending on the research question - be treated with caution spVocTrain: - after inserting the new code "6" in item ts15216, the filtering was incorrectly adjusted to the new code starting with item ts15253; respondents with response code "6" in ts15216 were wrongly asked questions ts15219, ts15220, ts15265, t724501, ts15221, and ts15222; the data for the three affected respondents were subsequently deleted =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 11.1.0 * =================================================== pTargetCORONA: - new data set with information from the additional online survey in May 2020 on issues related to the corona pandemic integrated =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 11.0.0 * =================================================== General: - metadata for all variables have been revised and updated where necessary - data from the wave 11 interviews have now been integrated into the Scientific Use File Weights: - in addition to providing the new weights for wave 11, the calibrated weights of wave 8 [w_t8_cal] have been subsequently adjusted to correct an error in the educational levels classification during calibration - for the waves 8, 9 and 10 the database for the nonresponse models and weighting procedures has been updated xPlausibleValues: - a new dataset was integrated into this SUF release for the first time; xPlausibleValues contains Plausible Values for selected competency data from xTargetCompetencies Methods & CohortProfile: - some indicator variables on the process of linking the NEPS data with administrative data of the Federal Employment Agency (NEPS-SC6-ADIAB) and on the availability of these linked datasets have been added FurtherEducation: - there was a coding error in the course numbers from wave 2, which has now been corrected pTarget: - in the variables t32454g and t32552g the values for wave 7 and wave 11 had to be set to the missing code -92 [question not asked by mistake] due to a preload error =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 10.0.1 * =================================================== General: - the spell datasets spChild, spEmp, spPartner, spSchool and spVocTrain as well as the data sets Basics and FurtherEducation derived from these spell data sets had incorrect entries due to an error in the data preparation process; values from the subspells were not correctly transferred to the corresponding subspell 0 in SUF release 10.0.0; this error has now been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 10.0.0 * =================================================== General: - metadata for all variables have been revised and updated where necessary - data from the wave 10 interviews have now been integrated into the Scientific Use File spPartner: - information of LAT (living apart together) partners from ALWA participants has been moved to the pTarget dataset spResidence: - residence information of ALWA participants has been moved to the pTarget dataset FurtherEducation: - for courses that originate from the dataset spFurtherEdu1 (tx28200==31) of wave 4, a data editing error in the previous SUF release led to missing values in the variables tx2821m [course participation (date/interval) starting date (month)] and tx2821y [course participation (date/interval) starting date (year)]; this problem has now been solved Weights: - in addition to providing the new weights for wave 10, the calibrated weights of wave 5 (w_t5_cal) have been subsequently adjusted to correct an error in the educational levels classification during calibration =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 9.0.1 * =================================================== General: - renamed datafile RegioInfas to pTargetRegioInfas CohortProfile: - in SC6 SUF 9.0.0 an error in the data processing routine led to incomplete data for wave 1 respondents; this bug has been fixed with the update pTarget: - the set of generated variables on the "number of children in household" [tx20000, tx20001, tx20002, tx20003] contained an error in calculating the age of focus children in wave 3 and above as soon as information on the children was continuously reported on waves; in these cases the children could systematically not be correctly classified into age groups; this bug has been fixed with the update =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 9.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 9 have been incorporated into the data EditionBackups: - this new dataset is now available containing the original values of variables that have been recoded during the data preparation =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 8.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 8 have been incorporated into the data =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 7.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 7 have been incorporated into the data spVolunteerWork: - in wave 6 interviews, an episode module regarding volunteer work had been surveyed; this module had been missing in versions 6.0.0 and 6.0.1; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 6.0.1 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate spSchool: - variable "School-leaving certificate" [ts11209] suffered a coding error in version 6.0.0; this also led to erroneous codings in derived educational codes ("ISCED-97" [tx28103], "CASMIN" [tx28101], "Years of Education[tx28102]) and misleading spell structure of the generated Education file as well as the respective data provided in the Basics file; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the interviews in wave 6 have been incorporated into the data - in version 5.1.0, SPSS data sets erroneously were not equipped with MISSING VALUES definitions; this has been fixed; this can be corrected in version 5.1.0 using the following SPSS syntax: * ---------- BEGIN SPSS code ---------- *. SPSSINC SELECT VARIABLES MACRONAME="!numvarlist" /PROPERTIES TYPE=NUMERIC . MISSING VALUES !numvarlist (-99 THRU -5) . * ---------- End SPSS code ---------- *. This solution assumes that SPSS is installed including the Python integration plugin; if this is not the case, the macro '!numvarlist' has to be defined manually as a list of all numerical variables in the current data set - up to wave 3 (NEPS main study 2), external exams have been recorded as part of the regular school or vocational training spell module (resulting in episodes as part of spSchool and spVocTrain, respectively); starting from wave 4 (NEPS main study 3), these exams are now recorded in a separate module each (resulting in events in spSchoolExtExam and spVocExtExam, respectively); with release 6.0.0 of NEPS:SC6, events from waves 1 through 3 have been moved to these separate datasets, and erased from spSchool and spVocTrain - subspell-harmonization (filling variables in generated, harmonized subspells [spgen==1] in spell data sets) still had few issues in version 5.1.0; this has been fixed; in short, these issues could been describe as follows: variables that are automatically filled by the survey instrument with pre-loaded values from an earlier interview, but should contain the original value (from a preceeding wave) in the harmonized spells, erroneously contain the later (pre-loaded) value in the harmonized sub-spell; this can lead to erroneus values especially in generated variables, e.g. coded occupations in 'spEmp'; the following Stata syntax solves the problem (enter the desired list of variables into the local macro 'correctvarlist'; replace 'splink' with the corresponding spell identifier 'partner' or 'child' in entity spell files): * ---------- Begin Stata code ---------- * local correctvarlist ts23201_g* // 'ts23201_g*' is an example for occupational variables in the spEmp data set local spellvar splink // 'splink' is the correct identifier in all data sets besides 'spPartner', 'spChild' and 'spChildCohab' foreach var of varlist `correctvarlist' { bysort ID_t `spellvar' (subspell) : assert ID_t==ID_t[2] if (spgen==1) bysort ID_t `spellvar' (subspell) : assert `spellvar'==`spellvar'[2] if (spgen==1) bysort ID_t `spellvar' (subspell) : replace `var'=`var'[2] if (spgen==1) } * ---------- End Stata code ---------- * spVocTrain: - integration of variable "Type of vocational training program" [ts15201] from wave 1 (ALWA) into newer waves has been erroneous in versions up to 5.1.0; this has been fixed spEmp: - in the spEmp dataset, variable "Time restriction" [ts23310] erroneously contained the unlabeled value "0" instead of the system missing value in (sub-)episodes; this has been fixed; in version 5.1.0, the following Stata syntax can be used to fix the problem: * ---------- Begin Stata code ---------- * replace ts23310=. if ts23310==0 * ---------- End Stata code ---------- * spChild: - in version 5.1.0 and earlier, the dataset spChild erroneously contained information from wave 4 about 56 children of target persons with more than 5 children that have been erroneously pre-loaded during field work; these children have been correctly re-administered lateron in wave 5 and all subsequent waves; thus, sub-spell information from wave 4 has been erased in the 6.0.0 release spResidence: - in version 5.1.0 and earlier, the dataset spResidence erroneously contained 1093 missing values for wave 1 participants that have left the panel before wave 3; this has been fixed pTarget: - in dataset pTarget, variables "Specialized fair/congress: professional/personal reasons" [t272802_w1] and "Specialized fair/congress: Learned something new" [t272802_w1,t272802_v1w1] as well as the corresponding variables for "Lectures" [t272802_w2,t272802_w2,t272802_v1w2] and "Self-instruction programs" [t272802_w3,t272802_w3,t272802_v1w3] in version 5.1.0 and earlier erroneously were not filled for all interviewees reporting the specific further education activity; this has been fixed - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [t400500_g1,t400500_g2,t400500_g3] in the pTarget dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [t400500_g1v1,t400500_g2v1,t400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 5.1.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - subspell-harmonization (filling variables in generated, harmonized subspells [spgen==1] in spell data sets) erroneously filled system missing values in variables that should have been filled by variable harmonization; this has been fixed as a consequence, all generated data sets that rely on these harmonized information had to be consecutively updated; i.e. 'Biography', 'Education', 'Weights' and 'Basics' spSchool: - variable 'School attendance in Germany?' [ts11103] had erroneously been flipped with variable 'Practical vocational instruction' [ts11237] in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Practical vocational instruction' [ts11237] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variables 'School-leaving certificate' [ts11209] and 'Prospective school-leaving certificate' [ts11214] had erroneously not been filled for ALWA spells in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed spFurtherEdu2: - variables 'Financial support through social capital' [t323510] and 'Care support through social capital' [t323520] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed spEmp: - variable 'Auxiliary variable: Type of employment' [ts23911_v1] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Economic sector (WZ 2008)' [ts23240_g1] had erroneously been missing for observations from the ALWA survey; this has been fixed pTarget: - variable 'Info job: personal environment 1' [t324540] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Reference job' [t325520] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variable 'Social circle further education: professional or personal reasons' [t32457a] had erroneously been omitted from dissemination in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - variables '... learned something new' [t272802_v1w*] had erroneously been integrated into one variable in version 5.0.0; this has been fixed - concerning ISCED-97 for mother, father: ISCED-97-category '4A' added for cases who reported both: 'Abitur'etc. and vocational training (the latter does not include university degrees in this context); - distinction between ISCED-97 '3B' and '5B' now more precise for NEPS waves when 'Berufsfachschule' vs. 'Fachschule' was reported (this cannot be distinguished for ALWA, which were still coded '5B' for such cases); spPartner: - concerning ISCED-97 for partner: ISCED-97-category '4A' added for cases who reported both: 'Abitur'etc. and vocational training (the latter does not include university degrees in this context); - distinction between ISCED-97 '3B' and '5B' now more precise for NEPS waves when 'Berufsfachschule' vs. 'Fachschule' was reported (this cannot be distinguished for ALWA, which were still coded '5B' for such cases); Weights: - in all releases up to version 5.0.0, variable 'Primary sampling unit: point number' [psu] erroneously calculated distinct sampling points between the ALWA and NEPS samplings, even if persons were drawn from the same point in the NEPS refreshment sample; the 'old' variable has been renamed to [psu_v1], whilst a new sample point indicator, [psu], consistently numbering all sample points across all samples, has been incorporated Education: - added additional vocational- and school exam information from spVocExtExam and spSchoolExtExam; - for the sake of linking information from a source spell data set, variables 'Exam number' [exam] and 'Source if information of educational qualification' [tx28100] have been added - if the temporal order of reported events cannot be identified (same date of exams, certificates etc.) to distinguish between ISCED-97 '4A' (second cycle: voc. training first - then 'Abitur' etc.) and '4B' (second cycle: 'Abitur' first - then voc. training), '4A' is used as a convention; - a (new) technical report on educational variables has been published online, please refer to it for further details on educational coding: https://www.neps-data.de/Portals/0/NEPS/Datenzentrum/Forschungsdaten/SC6/5-1-0/TR_Derived_Educational_Variables.pdf =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 5.0.0 * =================================================== General: - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional waves 4 and 5 have been incorporated into the data, including observations from a sample refreshment in wave 4 - all data editing scripts have been completely revised, and large parts have been completely rewritten to comply with NEPS' data editing standards from all Starting Cohorts; this may result in slight differences on the observation level of many data sets, but not its overall structure or results of an analysis, when comparing data from waves 1 through 3 with earlier release versions - all missing values that do not comply with the official NEPS editing standards (i.e. values -9 through -5) have been recoded to an equivalent value in the range -29 through -20 Biography: - programs checking for overlaps and gaps between episodes have been completely and consistently re-written; this will result in different start and end dates of episodes, and a different number of data edition gaps Education: - completed vocational- or school episodes but without any school-leaving qualifications or vocational degree are now classified in CASMIN as '1a' and in ISCED-97 as '0a/1A/1B', and included in the generate data set 'Education' - vocational episodes with 'senior official' ('hoehere Beamte') vocational degree are now all classified in CASMIN as '3b' and in ISCED-97 as '5a'. (A university degree is the usual requirement to be a 'senior official' and therefore assumed.) - the level of achieved school leaving qualification once reported cannot be decreased by future lower reports - the level of vocational degree can be decreased by future lower reports (e.g. vocational training following university studies). A total 'loss' of any degree is excluded; instead the last known level of vocational degree will be considered to classify CASMIN and ISCED-97 in those cases. - variable 'tx28102' (Years of Education), which is derived from CASMIN, now correctly classifies observations with '1a' in CASMIN level as '-20' ('no degree') - in case of CASMIN / ISCED-97 related episodes with exactly the same end dates, only the spells leading to the highest CASMIN and ISCED-97 level are incorporated into the generated data set 'Education' pTarget: - variables 't731301_g3' and 't731351_g3' (Years of Education), which are derived from CASMIN, now correctly classify observations with '1a' in CASMIN level as '-20' ('no degree') spPartner: - ISCED-97 ('ts31212_g1') and CASMIN ('ts31212_g2') values are only generated for integrated spells (i.e. 'subspell==0') - variable 'ts31212_g3' (Years of Education), which is derived from CASMIN, now correctly classifies observations with '1a' in CASMIN level as '-20' ('no degree') spResidence: - from wave 4 on, residential information is surveyed from the original ALWA population; this information, and all retrospective information from the ALWA study itself, are stored in the new data set 'spResidence' spVocExtExam: - new data from external vocational exams have been incorporated into this data set spSchoolExtExam: - new data from external school exams have been incorporated into this data set xTargetCompetencies: - data set 'xCompMethods' has been renamed to 'MethodsCompetencies' in order to comply with naming schemes in the other NEPS Starting Cohorts' Scientific Use data Weights: - all variables containing weights and other sampling-specific information have been extracted from data set 'Methods' and moved to a new data set 'Weights' in order to comply with naming schemes in the other NEPS Starting Cohorts' Scientific Use data Basics: - variable 'Birth in Germany (W/E) or abroad (reconstructed)' [t405000_g2] has been rename from t405000_g1 to t405000_g2 in order to avoid overlap of variables names with other NEPS Starting Cohorts =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 3.1.0 * =================================================== spSchool/Education: - missing values in ts11209 were corrected for the ALWA wave (-5 instead of -88 and -6 instead of -96); - some resulting classification errors in file Education have been corrected spVocTrain: - recoding of missing values -88 (until today) to standardized code -5 (until today) in end dates of interruption episodes (ts1532m_w*, ts1532y_w*) spCourses: - variable subspell removed; use ID_t, splink, and wave for merging with spell files FurtherEducation: - wrong codes in variables containing estimated course dates (tx2821m, tx2821y, tx2822m, tx2822y) have been corrected - missing values in tx28201 resolved Education: - episodes without any general or vocational degree deleted for CASMIN, ISCED-97 and "years of education" Methods: - variable for day of interview (intd) added - variable "Interviewer: ID" [ID_int], known as [tx80300] in release version 1.0.0, had been omitted; this has been corrected and the variable integrated into the data pTarget: - variable for day of interview (intd) added =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC6 by version 3.0.0 * =================================================== General: - design weights for 283 respondents from the ALWA study that temporarily dropped out in NEPS main study 1 (wave 2) can not be calculated - Wave update from Starting Cohort 6: new wave data from second NEPS main survey (2010/2011) has been fully integrated; this scientific use file comprises now three waves (ALWA 2007/2008, NEPS 2009/2010, NEPS 2010/2010); version number has been adjusted to resemble the number of cumulated wave data - sample size increase up to 11,932 adults since 283 additional cases from the ALWA subsample participated in wave 3 - Selected highlights: updated and fully integrated life course data over three waves; additional concepts (like cultural capital); data from competence assessment (introduced in 2010/2011); new regional data (microm) - new datafiles available: spChildCohab, xTargetCompetencies (competences data, wave 3), xCompMethods (para data on competence assessment, wave 3), xTargetMicrom (regional data from microm database, accessible only on-site) - all SPSS datasets now ship with NEPS missing values (range [-99;-5]) marked as MISSING - preload data for interviews in wave 3 (second NEPS wave 2010/2011) have been added; this data is usually not needed, however, it might help to understand the course of an interview - metadata for all datasets has been revised and updated where appropriate - in all spell data sets, variable spstat ('Most recent (sub-)spell status') has been revised; codes 91 and 92 have been removed - in all spell data sets, for tracing the generation of edited times in Biopgraphy, original variables from the check module have been added. This includes: starting and ending times [{variable_start_month}_g1, {variable_start_year}_g1, {variable_end_month}_g1, {variable_end_month}_g1] as corrected by the check module, a variable marking right censoring of spell after checking routines [ts2312c_g1], and an indicator variable 'type of event' [spms] from check module, discriminating between 'dominant' and 'side' spells IMPORTANT NOTE: Those variables have been added for the sake of completeness and traceability. We strongly recommand to rely on fully edited episodes times that can be found in file Biography. pTarget: - variables inty/intm (interview date) have been added for usability concerns (from file Methods) - small coding corrections for variables t731454 and t731404 - variables fpmod, t733004, and t733005 were moved to file spPartner - variable t731301_g2 ('Mother: CASMIN') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731351_g2 ('Father: CASMIN') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731301_g2 ('Mother: CASMIN') has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; - variable t731301_g3 ('Mother: Years of education = f(CASMIN)') has been updated accordingly - variable t731351_g2 ('Father: CASMIN') has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; - variable t731351_g3 ('Father: Years of education = f(CASMIN)') has been updated accordingly - variable t731301_g1 ('Mother: ISCED') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731351_g1 ('Father: ISCED') now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable t731453_g2 ('Father's occupation (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable t731453_g14 ('Father's occupation (ISEI-08)') has been added - variable t731403_g2 ('Mother's occupation (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable t731403_g14 ('Mother's occupation (ISEI-08)') has been added - a new variable t405000_g1 ('Born in Germany or abroad (reconstructed)') including an categories for born in east or west Germany has been reconstructed from spell information for non wave 1 respondents, reflecting the scale of t405000_v1 - variables t413510_R/t413510_D ('Household: 1st foreign language') have been renamed to t413501_R/t413501_D - multiple response variables ("Mehrfachnennungen") have been recoded for simplifying their usage: indicator variables for "refusal", "don't know", and "not in list" have been recoded to missing codes (-98,-97,-20) in the response variables and then removed. Following multiple response sets are affected: 1) t725001-t725013: 'repeated school years'; missing indicators t725014 and t725015 removed 2) t32404k-t32404s: 'Info job'; missing indicators t32404u and t32404v removed 3) t32502k-t32502t: 'Reference job'; missing indicators t32502u and t32502v removed 4) t32303k-t32303t: 'Help with application'; missing indicators t32303u and t32303v removed 5) t32405k-t32405s: 'Information job-related course'; missing indicators t32405w, t32405u, and t32405v removed 6) t32406k-t32406s: 'Information private course'; missing indicators t32406w, t32406u, and t32406v removed 7) t32457k-t32457s: 'Social circle further education: who?'; missing indicators t32457s, t32457u, and t32457v removed 8) t743021-t743031: 'Fellow occupant'; missing indicators t743032 and t743033 removed 9) t32091k-t32091s: 'Burt'; missing indicators t32091u and t32091v removed - variables t731403_g8, t731453_g8: EGP class scheme adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly the classes IVc and V) xTargetCompetencies: - new file containing scored items and scaled values from competences assessment that was conducted at wave 3 xCompMethods: - para data on competence assessment as generated by a specialized CAPI module at wave 3 spSchool: - variable ts11218 was recoded to -54 for spells collected in ALWA survey (wave 1); was set to system missing previously - variable marking right censoring of spell ts1112c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spMilitary: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2112c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spVocPrep: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts1312c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spVocTrain: - variable ts15215 was incorrectly labeled for ALWA cases (wave 1); an additional variable ts15215_v1 containing values and labels as generated in the ALWA survey corrects for that - variable ts15214_g1 had for some cases erroneously code -55 (not determinable) instead of system missings (no specification in open input abbras) - variable marking right censoring of spell ts1512c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) - variable 'Description of profession/subject (ISCO-88)' ts15291_g3 now adequately incorporates information about large company size where needed - variable 'Description of profession/subject (ISEI-08)' ts15291_g14 has been added - variable 'Aspired vocational education qualification (reconstructed)' ts15221_v1 has been reconstructed, reporting contents for successfully completed episodes only - variable 'Aspired vocational education qualification' ts15221_ha has been added - variable 'vocational education qualification' ts15219_v1 no longer reports contents for episodes not successfully completed; these episodes are edited to the value -6 'no leaving certificate' spEmp: - ts23210_* was incorrectly labeled for ALWA cases (wave 1); an additional variable ts23210_v1 containing values and labels as generated in the ALWA survey corrects for that - ts23243 was incorrectly labeled for ALWA cases (wave 1); an additional variable ts23243_v1 containing values and labels as generated in the ALWA survey corrects for that - variable 'Most recent (sub-)spell status' spstat has been revised; codes 91 and 92 have been removed - variable 'Episode updating' ts23101 is now correctly sorted before ts23102 - variable ts23201_g2 ('Job description (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable ts23201_g3 ('Job description (ISCO-88)') now adequately incorporates information about large company size where needed - variable ts23201_g14 ('Job description (ISEI-08)') has been added - variable ts23221 ('Job volume at end of occupation (part-time/full-time, reconstructed)') has been reconstructed from spell information for wave 1 interviewees, reflecting the scale of ts23218_v1 - variable ts23201_g8: EGP class scheme adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly the classes IVc and V) - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2312c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spUnemp: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2512c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spParLeave: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2712c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spGap: - variable marking right censoring of spell ts2912c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) - value label for variable 'Kind of gap' ts29101_v1 has been corrected, swapping categories 6 and 7 spChild: - to enhance usability when analyizing child cohabition spells, those spells - previously being stored in a wide data format - have been extracted into a new data file called spChildCohab spChildCohab: - new file containing spells of cohabitation with own or other children (the data was previously stored in wide format within spChild) - the file contains cohabation spells which might be extended over panel waves - hence, the file has a genuine spell data format involing a spell and a subspell variable - harmonzised spells are identified by spgen=1 and subspell=0; thus, analougsly to the other spell files just select spells having subspell=0 (Stata: keep if subspell==0) for a plain and easy episode structure - cohabitation spells are related to children in spChild via the identifier "child" - variable marking right censoring of cohabitation spell ts3332c has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) spPartner: - variables fpmod (episode mode), t733004 (living apart together, current partner), and t733005 (frequency of contact, current partner) were moved from pTarget to spPartner - variable ts31212_g2 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (CASMIN)') now correctly classifies observations 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable ts31212_g2 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (CASMIN)' ) has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; - variable ts31212_g3 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (years of education=f(CASMIN))') has been updated accordingly - variable ts31212_g1 ('Partner: highest educational achievement (ISCED)') now correctly classifies observations 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable ts31226_g2 ('Partner: occupation (KldB 2010)') now adequately incorporates information about supervisory occupational tasks where needed - variable ts31226_g14 ('Partner: occupation (ISEI-08)') has been added - variable ts31226_g8: EGP class scheme adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly the classes IVc and V) spFurtherEdu1: - variable marking right censoring of spell t271048 has been adjusted (set to system missing for spells ending in the past) Methods: - additional wave 1 & 2 rows for additional cases from ALWA - new variable ALWAlatecomer marking the new cases who come from the ALWA sample but did not participate in wave 2 - additional weights (prob_w3/weight_isced_w3/weight_isced_w3_std) for wave 3 - new variable tx80220 (participation status) for indicating participation, temporary dropouts, and final dropouts Basics: - variable 'Highest CASMIN' [tx28101] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Highest ISCED' [tx28103] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Mother: CASMIN' [t731301_g2] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Father: CASMIN' [t731351_g2] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Mother: CASMIN' [t731301_g2] has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; variable 'Mother: Years of education = f(CASMIN)' [t731301_g3] has been updated accordingly - variable 'Father: CASMIN' [t731351_g2] has been corrected, swapping contents of categories 7 [CASMIN 3a] and 8 [CASMIN 3b]; variable 'Father: Years of education = f(CASMIN)' [t731351_g3] has been updated accordingly - variable 'Mother: ISCED' [t731301_g1] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Father: ISCED' [t731351_g1] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Mother: SIOPS' [t731403_g6] has been added - variable 'Mother: MPS' [t731403_g7] has been added - variable 'Mother: ISEI-08' [t731403_g14] has been added - variable 'Mother: BLK' [t731403_g9] has been added - variable 'Father: SIOPS' [t731453_g6] has been added - variable 'Father: MPS' [t731453_g7] has been added - variable 'Father: ISEI-08' [t731453_g14] has been added - variable 'Father: BLK' [t731453_g9] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (SIOPS)' [tx29075] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (MPS)' [tx29076] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (ISEI-08)' [tx29077] has been added - variable 'Occupation of first employment (BLK)' [tx29078] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (SIOPS)' [tx29065] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (MPS)' [tx29066] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (ISEI-08)' [tx29067] has been added - variable 'Current occupation (BLK)' [tx29068] has been added - variable 'Age at migration to Germany' [tx29007] has been added - variable 'Born in Germany or abroad (reconstructed)' [t405000_g1] has been added Education: - variable 'Highest CASMIN' [tx28101] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55] - variable 'Highest ISCED' [tx28103] now correctly classifies observations with 'other' eductional degree as 'not determinable' [-55]