=================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 4 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** changes and updates for release NEPS SC4 11.0.0 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC4:11.0.0) ** =================================================== * Known Issues * - an updated data manual is not yet published; please use the appropriate data manual from version 1.1.0 instead - two FAIR power achievement variables have a valid range of negative values (fag9000l, fag900ls); the original values were divided by 100 to avoid conflicts with the defined NEPS missed values; i.e. an original value of -300 is found as -3.00 in the dataset CohortProfile: - variable 'Current type of school (reconstructed)' [t723080_g1] for wave 6 currently does not correctly distinguish between branches in schools with several educational programs; this leads to the school type of students in such schools being erroneously classified as 'School with several educational programs: Unclear' [value 8]; this will be fixed in an upcoming release pTargetCORONA: - variable t527102 (frequency of sports) also exists in other datasets of the NEPS starting cohorts; the two versions of this variable should be considered separately, if necessary, as the behavior of individuals may have changed during the corona pandemic; in an upcoming release, the variable will be renamed in the dataset pTargetCORONA pTargetCATI: - variable h_etauswahl will be added in an upcoming release =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 11.0.0 * =================================================== spPartner, spFurtherEdu1, spFurtherEdu2: - three new datasets with spell information on partnership history and further education course have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File for the first time pTargetCorona: - a new dataset with information from an additional CAWI survey (May 2020) on Corona related topics has been incorporated in this SUF release pTargetCATI: - the variables t66800l_g1, t66800m_g1, t66800n_g1, t66800q_g1 and t66800r_g1 were newly generated to represent the measurement of the Big Five in wave 10 with 21 instead of 11 items; a total of 10 items of the previous Big Five instrument from the waves 3 and 5 are part of the new measurement; only the variable t66800k is not included in the new instrument, so that the original index variable t66800b_g1 is not filled for wave 10 - versioning of items: former variable t515020 renamed to t515030_v1 former variable t515021 renamed to t515031_v1 former variable t515022 renamed to t515032_v1 former variable t515023 renamed to t515033_v1 former variable t515024 renamed to t515034_v1 former variable t515025 renamed to t515035_v1 former variable t515026 renamed to t515036_v1 - the variables t51503* refer to occupations selected to be primary; the variables t51503*_v1 refer to current occupations (current in this specific wave) - the coding/polarity of the categories in variable t428050 has changed since wave 10 because the field instrument was processed in this way: - in SUF releases before version 11.0.0 the coding was: 1="very stringly"; 2="strongly"; 3="average"; 4="hardly"; 5="not at all" - in SUF releases since version 11.0.0 the coding is: 1="not at all"; 2="hardly"; 3="average"; 4="strongly"; 5="very strongly" xTargetSpecialNeedsCompetencies: - data on metacognition from wave 2 (mpa9re*) and wave 10 (mpa10re*) were added =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 10.0.0 * =================================================== EditionBackups: - this new dataset has been incorporated into the Scientific Use File for the first time; it contains raw values before data edition =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 9.1.1 * =================================================== CohortProfile: - The Education type-variables (tx28301-tx28304) had been corrected and updated pTargetCATI: - variables 'First combination of subjects applied for - subject #' [tf40231, tf40232, tf40233] had not been encoded appropriately in versions 9.0.0 and 9.1.0; this has been fixed, integrating a total of five different variants for encoding fields of studies after destatis (German Federal Statistical Office) [_g1, _g2] and ISCED-97 fields of education [_g3, _g4, _g5] classifications - variables 'Second combination of subjects applied for - subject #' [tf40235, tf40236, tf40237] had not been encoded appropriately in versions 9.0.0 and 9.1.0; this has been fixed, integrating a total of five different variants for encoding fields of studies after destatis (German Federal Statistical Office) [_g1, _g2] and ISCED-97 fields of education [_g3, _g4, _g5] classifications pTargetCAWI: - variable 'Reference subject learning environment' [t242400] had not been encoded appropriately in versions 9.0.0 and 9.1.0; this has been fixed, integrating a total of five different variants for encoding fields of studies after destatis (German Federal Statistical Office) [_g1, _g2] and ISCED-97 fields of education [_g3, _g4, _g5] classifications spVocTrain: - variables 'Subject of studies, doctorate, habilitation 1' [ts15404], 'Subject 2' [ts15405], and 'Subject 3' [ts15406] had not been encoded appropriately in versions 9.0.0 and 9.1.0; this has been fixed, integrating a total of five different variants for encoding fields of studies after destatis (German Federal Statistical Office) [_g1, _g2] and ISCED-97 fields of education [_g3, _g4, _g5] classifications =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 9.1.0 * =================================================== CohortProfile: - An additional Dummy-variable has been generated to identify employed persons or someone in professional measure tx28301 -- Education type - Pupil tx28302 -- Education type - Apprentice tx28303 -- Education type - Student tx28304 -- Education type - employee/in professional measure BUT: In release 9.0.0 are implemented only the variables tx28301, ts28302 and tx28303 for wave 9 and in 9.1.0 the same variables only for wave 8, and tx28304 for wave 9. This will be corrected in 9.1.1. In the interim it's possible to combine the variables of the two releases. - Panel frame-variable (tx80230) has been corrected (error occured only in version 9.0.0) Spell-files: - variable 'dauertan' has been modified.In previous releases this variable has been recoded. This process makes the reconstruction of the selection of filters in many cases almost impossible, so this process has been revoked. spEmp: - two new variables have been implemented to reconstruct the selection of filters tf23912 -- under 18 tf23913 -- under 21 and no completed vocational training xTargetCompetencies: - new English-Items have been implemented and the old Items have been erased - one new ICT-Item has been implemented and new WLEs' have been calculated =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 9.0.0 * =================================================== General: - data from waves 8 and 9 have been incorporated into this release xTargetSpecialNeedsCompetencies: - starting with this release, data from competency assessments in special needs schools will be disseminated; thus, the new dataset file 'xTargetSpecialNeedsCompetencies' has been introduced; with this release, it offers competency data from assessments in wave 1 for domain "DGCF" only, but will be consecutively expanded in future major releases Biography: - in version 7.0.0, the generated dataset Biography erroneously did not contain all 3,291 school episodes that had been retrospectively reported via a separate module solely in CATI interviews of wave 4; this has been fixed; in version 7.0.0, the episodes from version 6.0.0's Biography dataset can be inserted instead, for instance by using the following Stata syntax (file paths have to be adjusted): * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- local biography_700 "Z:/SUF/Download/SC4/SC4_D_7-0-0/Stata14/SC4_Biography_D_7-0-0.dta" local biography_600 "Z:/SUF/Download/SC4/SC4_D_6-0-0/Stata14/SC4_Biography_D_6-0-0.dta" local spschool_700 "Z:/SUF/Download/SC4/SC4_D_7-0-0/Stata14/SC4_spSchool_D_7-0-0.dta" tempfile insertepisodes // identif use `"`biography_700'"' , clear preserve keep if sptype==22 generate subspell=0 merge 1:1 ID_t splink subspell using `"`spschool_700'"' , keep(using) nogenerate drop if subspell!=0 keep if spms==-21 assert `c(N)'==3291 keep ID_t splink isid ID_t splink merge 1:1 ID_t splink using `"`biography_600'"' , keep(match) nogenerate save `"`insertepisodes'"' restore append using `"`insertepisodes'"' sort ID_t splink * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- note that this workaround will not remove data edition gap episodes that may have been automatically inserted into the Biography dataset as replacements for these episodes =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 7.0.0 * =================================================== General: - data from wave 7 have been incorporated into this release CohortProfile: - in version 6.0.0, CohortProfile variable "Individual tracking: Type of school (PAPI)" [tx80232], suffered a coding error; this has been fixed; in version 6.0.0, the fix can be manually applied using the following piece of sophisticated Stata syntax: . recode tx80232 (8=10) (7=9) (6=8) (5=7) (4=6) (3=5) (2=4) (1=3) pTarget: - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [t400500_g1,t400500_g2,t400500_g3] in the pTarget dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [t400500_g1v1,t400500_g2v1,t400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced - changed variable name of Item t531020 to t513020 for consistency reasons pTargetCATI: - changed variable name of item t32401b to t32408b for consistency reasons pParent: - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [p400500_g1,p400500_g2,p400500_g3] in the pParent dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [p400500_g1v1,p400500_g2v1,p400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced spSibling: - starting with this release, ISCED, CASMIN and years of education were derived for siblings when possible [p732313_g1,p732313_g2,p732313_g3] xTargetCompetencies: - wave 7 data contain competency test data from school leavers for the first time - enrichment of former wave competency data with additional WLEs and Sumscores for several domains =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - starting with this release, all NEPS Scientific Use Files will ship with an additional, unicode-enabled Stata data set version; this version is only readable in Stata version 14 or younger, and is placed in the subdirectory "Stata14" - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional waves 5 and 6 have been incorporated into the data CohortProfile: - variable "State of participation/attrition" [tx80220] erroneously did not reflect attrition of finally dropped out cases in version 4.0.0, but they were categorized as "temporary drop out"; this has been fixed pCourseClass: - linkage recommendation variable [ex20100] in had been erroneously calculated across waves, not inside each wave, in version 4.0.0; this has been fixed pCourseGerman: - linkage recommendation variable [ex20100] in had been erroneously calculated across waves, not inside each wave, in version 4.0.0; this has been fixed pCourseMath: - linkage recommendation variable [ex20100] in had been erroneously calculated across waves, not inside each wave, in version 4.0.0; this has been fixed pEducator: - due to a merging error, version 4.0.0 of teh dataset did not contain information about educators from wave 1; this has been fixed pInstitution: - version 4.0.0 contained a wrong value and variable label of variable [h228002], which is erroneously equal to labels of variable [h228000]; the correct variable label is: "School: number of schools of the same type in the vicinity"; this has been fixed pTarget: - the filename of the dataset "pTargetPAPI" has been changed to "pTarget", as it now contents additional information from the CAWI interview in wave 5 - please refer to the field and methods report online for details on the wave 5 CAWI survey - variables concerning expected income [t513011-t513020] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set in version 4.0.0 have been erroneously renamed to match variable names from questions in newer waves, but with different wording; this has been fixed - PAPI variables containing the result of automated multi-answer coding suffered from an error in the recoding routine for version 4.0.0 and were erroneously only filled with missing values; this has been fixed variables affected from this issue are: "Mother tongue" [t41000a] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Second language" [t410010] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Nationality" [t40115a] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Mother: Mother tongue" [t41010a] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Father: Mother tongue" [t41012a] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set - a set of PAPI variables suffered from a meta data rename error in version 4.0.0 and contained erroneous labels; this has been fixed variables affected from this issue are (complete set of variables including unaffected variables): "Items at home: desk" [t34006a] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: room" [t34006b] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: education software" [t34006c] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: classic literature" [t34006d] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: poetry books" [t34006e] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: art (paintings)" [t34006f] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: books for homework" [t34006g] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set "Items at home: dictionary" [t34006h] in the "pTargetPAPI" data set pTargetCATI: - when generating variable "Global self-esteem" [t66003a_g1] in the pTargetCATI data set for version 4.0.0, variable "Global self-esteem: competence" [t66003d] erroneously had been ignored; this has been fixed; t66003a_g1 can be re-generated in version 4.0.0 data using the following Stata syntax: * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- nepsmiss t66003a t66003b t66003c t66003d t66003e t66003f t66003g t66003h t66003i t66003j tempvar t66003b_r t66003e_r t66003f_r t66003h_r t66003i_r rowmissings recode t66003b (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003b_r') recode t66003e (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003e_r') recode t66003f (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003f_r') recode t66003h (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003h_r') recode t66003i (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003i_r') egen `rowmissings'=rowmiss(t66003a `t66003b_r' t66003c t66003d /// `t66003e_r' `t66003f_r' t66003g `t66003h_r' `t66003i_r' t66003j) egen `target_variable'=rowtotal(t66003a `t66003b_r' t66003c t66003d /// `t66003e_r' `t66003f_r' t66003g `t66003h_r' `t66003i_r' t66003j) if `rowmissings'==0 & wave==3 replace `target_variable'=-54 if wave!=3 label variable `target_variable' "Global self-esteem" replace `target_variable'=-55 if missing(`target_variable') * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- - SUF version SC4-4.0.0 contained the variable [tf11153] it has been renamed to [tf11154] in SUF version SC4-6.0.0 - SUF version SC4-4.0.0 contained the variable [t31035a_v1] it has been renamed to [t31035a] in SUF version SC4-6.0.0 - SUF version SC4-4.0.0 contained the variable [t31035a] it has been renamed to [t31035b] in SUF version SC4-6.0.0 - SUF version SC4-4.0.0 contained the variable [t31135a_v1] it has been renamed to [t31135a] in SUF version SC4-6.0.0 - SUF version SC4-4.0.0 contained the variable [t31135a] it has been renamed to [t31135b] in SUF version SC4-6.0.0 pParent: - as wave 5 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xParent" to "pParent" xTargetCompetencies: - competency data for wave 3 test "English as a foreign language" could not be delivered in due time for version 4.0.0 by the responsible data editors; integration into the "xTargetCompetencies" dataset followed with the version 6.0.0 release; this also slightly affects "State of participation/attrition" [tx80220] if some respondents participated in testing, but not in the survey Biography: - additional spells of type "data edition gap" have been inserted to fill gaps between (a) the eighth birth day and the first reported episode and (b) the most recently reported episode and the most recent interview date =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 4.0.0 * =================================================== General: - SPSS data sets now ship with the same "VARIABLE ATTRIBUTES" as Stata data sets' "characteristics" - metadata for all datasets has been revised and updated where appropriate - variables now ship with a characteristic 'NEPS_instname' attached in Stata datasets, reporting the variable name used in the survey - wave 3 and 4 data has been fully integrated into the data - several bugfixes and enhancements have been integrated into this new release, influencing various variables; only the most important ones are listed in this change log - meta data in all data sets have been revised and updated where appropriate - data from the first two surveys of persons leaving the school system for vocational education have been added (waves 3 and 4) - data from the third survey in the school system have been added (wave 3) CohortProfile: - a variable indicating the current type and track of school per class has been generated (t723080_g1) pTargetPAPI: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xTarget" to "pTargetPAPI" - variables indicating migrational background (t400500_g1 through _g3) have been added spParentSchool: - as from wave 3 on there are several sources for biography episodes, those originating from the parent interview are prefixed by "Parent", changing the filename from "spSchool" to "spParentSchool" - the interview process in parent's interviews does not guarantee unique ids for parents; thus, the identifier in this dataset is no longer "ID_p", but the target person's "ID_t" spParentGap: - as from wave 3 on there are several sources for biography episodes, those originating from the parent interview are prefixed by "Parent", changing the filename from "spGap" to "spParentGap" - the interview process in parent's interviews does not guarantee unique ids for parents; thus, the identifier in this dataset is no longer "ID_p", but the target person's "ID_t" RepWeights: - replication weights have been transferred to a separate dataset "RepWeights" pEducator: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xEducator" to "pEducator" pInstitution: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xInstitution" to "pInstitution" pCourseClass: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xCourseClass" to "pCourseClass" pCourseGerman: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xCourseGerman" to "pCourseGerman" pCourseMath: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xCourseMath" to "pCourseMath" =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC4 by version 1.1.0 * =================================================== General: - metadata for all datasets has been revised and updated where appropriate CohortProfile: - variable 'Gender (plausible)' [tx29001] has been generated, reflecting all reported information from surveys of target persons in waves 1 and 2, parental interview and lists of students wave 1 and 2 (in this logical sequence, read: information given by target persons in wave 1 superseeding information given by target persons in wave 2, which is superseeding information from the parental interview and so on) - variable 'Year of birth (plausible)' [tx2900y] has been generated, reflecting all reported information from surveys of target persons in waves 1 and 2, parental interview and lists of students wave 1 and 2 (in this logical sequence, read: information given by target persons in wave 1 superseeding information given by target persons in wave 2, which is superseeding information from the parental interview and so on) - variable 'Month of birth (plausible)' [tx2900m] has been generated, reflecting all reported information from surveys of target persons in waves 1 and 2, parental interview and lists of students wave 1 and 2 (in this logical sequence, read: information given by target persons in wave 1 superseeding information given by target persons in wave 2, which is superseeding information from the parental interview and so on) - variable 'Data available: competency test subject' [tx80522] was erroneous and has been corrected, which also influences variable 'State of participation/attrition' [tx80220] - variables weight_design_std weight_design have been removed (moved to Weights, see below) xTarget: - variables 'Month of birth' [t70004m], 'Year of birth' [t70004y] and 'Gender child' [t700031] are now stored as wide variables (suffixes _w1 and _w2), reflecting the corresponding questions had been asked both in waves 1 and 2 - variable 'Gender (plausible)' [tx29001] has been added from CohortProfile (see detailed description there) - variable 'Year of birth (plausible)' [tx2900y] has been added from CohortProfile (see detailed description there) - variable 'Month of birth (plausible)' [tx2900m] has been added from CohortProfile (see detailed description there) - added string version of 'Idealistic/Realistic vocational aspirations: Preferred choice of career': [t31060a_O] [t31160a_O] - variable [DELIMITER1] has been generated, separating blocks of variables originating from basic questions and wave 1 questions - variable [DELIMITER2] has been generated, separating blocks of variables originating from wave 1 questions and wave 2 questions - ISEI-08: updated transcoding scheme implemented [tf00260_g14], [tf0029b_g14], [tf0021b_g14], [t31060a_g14], [t31160a_g14], [t731422_g14], [t731472_g14], [tf00070_g14], [tf0013b_g14] - slightly modified general transcoding scheme with minor consequence on all derived variables [*_g1 to *_g16] - recoding of language variables ([t41000a_*], [t41010a_*], [t41012a_*], [t410010_*]) has been revised and updated if necessary xParent: - ISEI-08: updated transcoding scheme implemented [p296402_g14], [p731904_g14], [p731954_g14] - slightly modified general transcoding scheme with minor consequence on all derived variables [*_g1 to *-g16] xEducator: - ISEI-08: updated transcoding scheme implemented [e537061_g14], [e537062_g14] - slightly modified general transcoding scheme with minor consequence on all derived variables [*_g1 to *-g16] xTargetCompetencies: - new variables for procedural metacognition [*_sc6] and L1-Targetpopulation [*_sc7] - 146 empty cases have been removed - datafile has been revised and missings were tagged more precisely Weights: - new datafile for weights has been generated. All weights previously stored in CohortProfile can be found here now. xTargetMicrom, xInstitutionMicrom: - new regional data (microm data) has been added