=================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 3 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** changes and updates for release NEPS SC3 11.0.1 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC3:11.0.1) ** =================================================== * Known Issues * CohortProfile: - variable t723080_g1 ('Current type of school (reconstructed)') for wave 6 currently does not correctly distinguish between branches in schools with several educational programs; this leads to the school type of students in such schools being erroneously sclassified as 'School with several educational programs: Unclear' [value 8]; this will be fixed in an upcoming release xTargetCompetencies: - in contrast to the naming conventions for competence variables, the Scientific Use File includes the variables 'mag9q021_c' and 'mag9q021_sc3g9_c' with the latter referring to an identical item that has been previously administered in SC4 and the former representing a new item that has been administered in SC3 for the first time without any connection to the repeatedly administered item =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 11.0.1 * =================================================== spParentSchool: - the episode harmonization procedure, which combines information from multiple subspells into one harmonized spell (subspell==0), failed in the last version of the Scientific Use File (11.0.0); this problem has been fixed with that update =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 11.0.0 * =================================================== General: - some variables were renamed for reasons of consistency with the Scientific Use Files of other NEPS starting cohorts - all spell datasets contained minor errors in the start and end dates of harmonized spells (subspell==0) for revoked episodes; this has been corrected Biography: - episodes with missing information in both the start and the end date variables were excluded from the Biography dataset CohortProfile: - the variable tx80230 ('panel frame') suffered from a coding error for the data of waves 6 to 10; this has been corrected - the former variables tx8600m/y, indicating the first interview date, were renamed to tx8601m/j ('Survey Target Person: survey month 1/year 1') for reasons of consistency with the Scientific Use Files of other NEPS starting cohorts pTarget: - the variables t520000 ('weight in kg') and t520001 ('height in cm') suffered from a coding error in the data of wave 10, which resulted in the values of the two variables being interchanged; this has been corrected TargetMethods: - variable tx80302 ('Interviewer: age group') suffered from a coding error; this has been corrected xTargetCompetencies: - some variables including the item scores of the science test administered in grade 9 were erroneously excluded from the former SUF version 10.0.0; these variables are included again in the current SUF version - an error has been corrected in the linkage scores for the tests of "Linguistic competence English: Reading" (efg10_sc1u and efg12_sc1u) which resulted in invalid longitudinal mean-level comparisons across grades; the cross-sectional test scores were not affected =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 10.0.0 * =================================================== General: - all variables related to the date of data collection (i.e. when the competency tests and CATI interviews took place) have been updated and are now centrally stored in the CohortProfile dataset; the variables intm and inty have been removed from all other datasets pTarget: - the variables t66800l_g1, t66800m_g1, t66800n_g1, t66800q_g1 and t66800r_g1 were newly generated to represent the measurement of the Big Five in wave 10 with 21 instead of 11 items; a total of 10 items of the previous Big Five instrument from the waves 3 and 5 are part of the new measurement; only the variable t66800k is not included in the new instrument, so that the original index variable t66800b_g1 is not filled for wave 10 pTargetCorona: - a new dataset with information from an additional CAWI survey (May 2020) on Corona related topics has been incorporated in this SUF release CohortProfile: - the missing information in wave 4 regarding the date of completion of the questionnaires by the students was added xTargetCompetencies: - the competency scores for Reading Speed measures in wave 1 have been updated spVocTrain: - in wave 9, questions were asked to collect information that was originally intended exclusively for Starting Cohort 4 and that is redundant and dispensable for Starting Cohort 3; these variables [ts15550 - ts15559, ts15591_g1 - ts15591_g16] have been removed in this SUF release =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 9.0.0 * =================================================== General: - an updated Data Manual is under final review and will soon be published on the website - minor errors in variable labels have been corrected - the following datasets are prepared and published for the first time: Education and spVocExtExam; detailed information on these datasets can be found in the soon to be published data manual =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 8.0.1 * =================================================== General: - minor errors in variable labels have been corrected pTarget: - the variables 'Gender' [t700031], 'Date of birth - month' [t70004m] and 'Date of birth - year' [t70004y] contained a coding error for wave 8 data; this error has been fixed - the generated variables 'Learning motivation school' [t66400a_g1 - t66409a_g1], 'Learning motivation vocational training' [t66410a_g1 - t66413a_g1] and 'Learning motivation vocational preparation' [t66415a_g1 - t66418a_g1] were newly added to the dataset =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 8.0.0 * =================================================== General: - the following datasets are prepared and published for the first time: Biography, EditionBackups, spChild, spChildCohab, spCourses, spEmp, spFurtherEdu1, spGap, spMilitary, spParLeave, spSchool, spSchoolExtExam, spUnemp, spVocPrep, and spVocTrain; detailed descriptions of these datasets can be found in the upcoming Data Manual - due to parental consent withdrawn between the survey waves, not all target persons' observations can usually be published in the Scientific Use File; in the last release (7.0.0, 7.0.1) data of target persons were inadvertently not included in the Scientific Use File, for which only the consent for the parent survey was withdrawn, but not for the publication of the data by the target persons; the erroneously dropped observations were now integrated again and the weights are re-calculated accordingly =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 7.0.1 * =================================================== Weights: - joint weights for students and parents have not been available in recent releases; they have been calculated by now and have been integrated into this release xTargetCompetencies: - uncorrected WLE score for mathematical competence in Grade 9 [mag9_sc1u] has been incorrectly linked; it should not been used for mean-level comparisons with preceding grades (longitudinal correlational analyses or cross-sectional analyses are not affected); correctly linked WLE scores will be included in a future SUF release for Starting Cohort 3 =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 7.0.0 * =================================================== General: - data from wave 7 have been incorporated into this release xTargetCompetencies: - items from the competency assessment for domain "maths" in wave 5 had not been delivered by the responsible data curators in due time for release 5.0.0 through 6.0.1; they have been integrated into the 7.0.0 release =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 6.0.1 * =================================================== Weights: - survey design weights (w_t_cal) erroneously had been calibrated to the population totals of sex, federal state and school type in school year 2010/2011 for version 6.0.0; this only should have happened for the weight of participation in wave 1 (w_t1_cal); this eventually led to all cross-sectional and longitudinal weights being based on the uncalibrated weight (w_t) in version 6.0.0; this has been fixed xTargetCompetencies: - linkage of WLE estimators for domains "maths" (mag*_sc1u), "reading" (reg*_sc1u), and "ict" (icg*_sc1u) had been errouneous in all previous releases; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - data from wave 6 have been incorporated into this release CohortProfile: - a mistake in the variable tx80230 "panel frame" led to erroneously coded values in the variable ID_t and the generated variable t723080_g1 "current type of school (constructed)"; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 5.0.0 * =================================================== General: - data from wave 5 have been incorporated into this release pParent: - the generated variables ISCED, CASMIN and YEARS OF EDUCATION for the surveyed parent and its partner (p731802_g* and p731952_g*) contained wrong values for wave 4 in Version 4.0.0; this has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 4.0.0 * =================================================== General: - data from wave 4 have been incorporated into this release CohortProfile: - in version 3.1.0 and 3.0.0, dummy variables indicating availibility of context data from headmasters [tx80524], class courses [tx80525], german courses [tx80526] and maths courses [tx80527] erroneously had been set to 0 for wave 1 data for all students sampled in special educational needs schools or the migrant oversampling sub-sample; this has been fixed pTarget: - in version 3.1.0, coded variables containing the target persons', parents' or grandparents' "country of birth" [t400000_g*,t400070_g*,t400090_g*,t400220_g*,t400240_g*,t400260_g*,t400280_g*] suffered a coding error in the pTarget dataset version 3.1.0, leading to wrong values for all variables in wave 1, this also affected the calculated migrational background variables [t400500_g*]. This has been fixed. In version 3.1.0, the fix can be manually implemented by using wave 1 and 2 data can be used from SUF version 2.0.0, for instance by merging variables using the following Stata syntax: * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- // adjust this with the file path to your version 2.0.0 pTarget file local oldfile Z:/SUF/On-site/SC3/SC3_O_2-0-0/Stata14/SC3_pTarget_O_2-0-0.dta // adjust this with the file path to your version 3.0.0 pTarget file local newfile Z:/SUF/On-site/SC3/SC3_O_3-0-0/Stata14/SC3_pTarget_O_3-0-0.dta // variable list to be merged local updatevarlist t400500_g* t400000_g* t400070_g* t400090_g* t400220_g* t400240_g* t400260_g* t400280_g* // open 3.0.0 dataset use `"`newfile'"' , clear // fill in variables from 2.0.0 dataset merge 1:1 ID_t wave using `"`oldfile'"' , keepusing(`updatevarlist') update replace nogenerate assert(master match match_conflict) // done exit 0 * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [t400500_g1,t400500_g2,t400500_g3] in the pTarget dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [t400500_g1v1,t400500_g2v1,t400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced - data from the questionnaires on spelling (waves 1 and 3) has been removed from xTargetCompetencies and integrated into pTarget upon request by the responsible item developers pParent: - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [p400500_g1,p400500_g2,p400500_g3] in the pParent dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [p400500_g1v1,p400500_g2v1,p400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced ParentMethods: - variable "Willingness: panel participation" [px80400] in dataset ParentMethods erroneously did not contain value labels for values 0 ["Unavailable"] and 1 ["Available"] in version 3.1.0; this has been fixed xTargetCompetencies: - maths items that have been developed for graede 5 and are repeatedly measured in grade 7 erroneously had been misnamed since versino 3.0.0; variables mag5q301_c_sc3g7, mag5d051_c_sc3g7, mag5d052_c_sc3g7, mag5r251_c_sc3g7, mag5v321_c_sc3g7 and mag5r191_c_sc3g7 should (in accordance with NEPS' naming convetions for test items) have been named mag5q301_sc3g7_c, mag5d051_sc3g7_c, mag5d052_sc3g7_c, mag5r251_sc3g7_c, mag5v321_sc3g7_c and mag5r191_sc3g7_c; this has been fixed - some items from the domain procedural metacognition that had been surveyed in wave 3 were missing in versions 3.0.0 and 3.1.0; this has been fixed - data from the questionnaires on spelling (waves 1 and 3) has been removed from xTargetCompetencies and integrated into pTarget upon request by the responsible item developers =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 3.1.0 * =================================================== pTarget: - variables t31135a and t31035a suffered from a coding error in wave 1 & wave 2 in version 3.0.0; this has been fixed In version 3.0.0, the fix can be manually implemented using the following Stata syntax: * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- // adjust this with the file path to your version 3.0.0 pTarget file use "Z:\SUF\On-site\SC3\SC3_O_3-0-0\Stata14\SC3_pTarget_O_3-0-0.dta" , clear local recodevars t31135a t31035a foreach var of local recodevars { recode `var' (4=1)(1=2)(2=3)(3=4) if wave ==1, copyrest recode `var' (1=4)(2=1)(3=2)(4=3) if wave ==2, copyrest } save, replace exit 0 * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- - in version 3.0.0, coded variables containing the target persons', parents' or grandparents' "country of birth" [t400000_g*,t400070_g*,t400090_g*,t400220_g*,t400240_g*,t400260_g*,t400280_g*] suffer a coding error in the pTarget dataset version 3.0.0, leading to "Germany" erroneously being coded as "Afghanistan"; this also affects the calculated migrational background variables [t400500_g*]. This has been fixed In version 3.0.0, the fix can be manually implemented by using wave 1 and 2 data can be used from SUF version 2.0.0, for instance by merging variables using the following Stata syntax: * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- // adjust this with the file path to your version 2.0.0 pTarget file local oldfile Z:/SUF/On-site/SC3/SC3_O_2-0-0/Stata14/SC3_pTarget_O_2-0-0.dta // adjust this with the file path to your version 3.0.0 pTarget file local newfile Z:/SUF/On-site/SC3/SC3_O_3-0-0/Stata14/SC3_pTarget_O_3-0-0.dta // variable list to be merged local updatevarlist t400500_g* t400000_g* t400070_g* t400090_g* t400220_g* t400240_g* t400260_g* t400280_g* // open 3.0.0 dataset use `"`newfile'"' , clear // fill in variables from 2.0.0 dataset merge 1:1 ID_t wave using `"`oldfile'"' , keepusing(`updatevarlist') update replace nogenerate assert(master match match_conflict) // done exit 0 * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- - Variable [t27111d_O] has been completely removed CohortProfile: - an indicator containing the field of determined special educational needs from the list of students has been added [tx80505_D] is a dummy indicating special educational needs [tx80505_R] describes the need more specific (only available in RemoteNEPS or via on-site access) - two indicators containing the region [tx80109_g1] and the German federal state [tx80109_g2R] of the sampled institution have been added; the latter is only available in RemoteNEPS or via on-site access xTargetCompetencies: - in the xTargetCompetencies data set file, items from the orthography testing in wave 3 were missing; this has been fixed, including updated values of wave 1 orthography test items spSiblings: - in the spSiblings data set, system missing values in variables "Sibling’s date of birth - month" [p73221m] and "Sibling’s date of birth - year" [p73221y] are incorrectly coded in version 3.0.0, leading to implausible birth dates; this has been fixed. pParent: - the variables [p727001] and [p727002] (formerly anonymized because they contain federal states) are now available with full information in RemoteNEPS or via on-site access - variable [t751016] now has been correctly renamed to [p751016] - variable [askl] now has been correctly renamed to [p723400] =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 3.0.0 * =================================================== General: - starting with this release, all NEPS Scientific Use Files will ship with an additional, unicode-enabled Stata data set version; this version is only readable in Stata version 14 or younger, and is placed in the subdirectory "Stata14" - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 3 has been incorporated into the data, including observations from a sample refreshment in wave 3 - regional information for German federal states have been added (for waves 1 through 3, restrospectively) to the download SUF, more fine-grained information to the RemoteNEPS and onsite variant - information from a mid-year status update mailing regarding the school status of target persons in the individual field have been incorporated into CohortProfile pParent: - forwarded general and vocational educational information for parent and partner in time to construct more reliable ISCED-97 and CASMIN scores - ISCED-97: added code "4A" for parent and partner when reporting both "Abitur" etc. and "Vocational Training" (not university in this context) - minor changes to achieve more precise ISCED-97 and CASMIN values für parents and partner pTarget: - variables "idealistic educational aspiration" [t31035a] and "realistic educational aspiration" [t31135a] suffered an encoding error for wave 1 data in version 2.0.0; this has been fixed; a temporary workaround can be achieved by using version 2.0.0 data sets and correctly recode those values using the following Stata syntax snippet: . recode t31035a t31135a (4=1) (1=2) (2=3) (3=4) if wave==1 // - variables for persons who did not respond to a part of the questionnaire in special needs schools erroneously contained the value "missing by design" (-54) instead of "not participated" (-56) in the pTarget data set in version 2.0.0; this has been fixed - when generating variable "Global self-esteem" [t66003a_g1] in the pTarget data set, variable "Global self-esteem: competence" [t66003d] erroneously had been ignored in version 2.0.0; t66003a_g1 could temporarily be re-generated from version 2.0.0 using the following Stata syntax: * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- nepsmiss t66003a t66003b t66003c t66003d t66003e t66003f t66003g t66003h t66003i t66003j tempvar t66003b_r t66003e_r t66003f_r t66003h_r t66003i_r rowmissings recode t66003b (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003b_r') recode t66003e (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003e_r') recode t66003f (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003f_r') recode t66003h (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003h_r') recode t66003i (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003i_r') egen `rowmissings'=rowmiss(t66003a `t66003b_r' t66003c t66003d /// `t66003e_r' `t66003f_r' t66003g `t66003h_r' `t66003i_r' t66003j) egen `target_variable'=rowtotal(t66003a `t66003b_r' t66003c t66003d /// `t66003e_r' `t66003f_r' t66003g `t66003h_r' `t66003i_r' t66003j) if `rowmissings'==0 & wave==3 replace `target_variable'=-54 if wave!=3 label variable `target_variable' "Global self-esteem" replace `target_variable'=-55 if missing(`target_variable') * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- this issue has been fixed; spParentSchool: - for the sake of consistency between NEPS Starting Cohorts, the data set "spSchool" has been renamed to "spParentSchool" spParentGap: - for the sake of consistency between NEPS Starting Cohorts, the data set "spGap" has been renamed to "spParentGap" =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC3 by version 2.0.0 * =================================================== General: - SPSS data sets now ship with the same "VARIABLE ATTRIBUTES" as Stata data sets' "characteristics" - metadata for all datasets has been revised and updated where appropriate - variables now ship with a characteristic 'NEPS_instname' attached in Stata datasets, reporting the variable name used in the survey - wave 2 data has been fully integrated into the data - a new dataset "Weights" has been added, reflecting panel weights for the cohort; documentation is available online - a new dataset "spSibling" has been added, reflecting the target person's siblings reported in the parent's interview - a new dataset "pTargetMicrom" has been added for onsite access, reflecting spatial data from "microm Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH" - a new dataset "pInstitutionMicrom" has been added for onsite access, reflecting spatial data from "microm Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH" - several bugfixes and enhancements have been integrated into this new release, influencing various variables; only the most important ones are listed in this change log pParent: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xParent" to "pParent" - the interview process in parent's interviews does not guarantee unique ids for parents; thus, the identifier in this dataset is no longer "ID_p", but the target person's "ID_t" - three variables with information about the target person's migrational status have been calculated [p400500_g1, p400500_g2, p400500_g3]; a working paper on the generation process and theoretical background is forthcoming - values 5, 6 and 7 have been recoded to 7, 8 and 9 in 'Highest education qualification (ISCED)' [p731802_g1] - values 5, 6 and 7 have been recoded to 7, 8 and 9 in 'Partner: Highest education qualification (ISCED)' [p731852_g1] - value 96 has been recoded to -20 in 'Partner: (Highest) vocational education certificate' [p731863] in accordance with official NEPS missing codes - EGP generation syntax was adjusted due to errors in the derivation syntax (particularly classes IVc and V) [p731904_g8, p731954_g8] - German EGP value labels have been corrected [p731904_g8, p731954_g8] - CASMIN [p731802_g2 & p731852_g2]: Class assignment slightly modified - ISCED [p731802_g1 & p731852_g1]: Civil servants of the medium grade are now identifiable - 'SDQ-Scale: Prosocial behaviour' [p67801a_g1] has been corrected to only contain a sum score if all included items are non-missing CohortProfile: - older weighting variables ('Standardized design weight' [weight_design_std] and 'Design weight' [weight_design]) are now deprecated and have been removed - the interview process in parent's interviews does not guarantee unique ids for parents; as "ID_p" therefore has been replaced by "ID_t" and is no longer needed to link datasets, it has been removed from CohortProfile - variable 'Test: survey day (month)' [test] has been renamed to [testm] - variable 'Test: survey day (year)' [test] has been renamed to [testy] pEducator: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xEducator" to "pEducator" pInstitution: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xInstitution" to "pInstitution" pCourseClass: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xCourseClass" to "pCourseClass" pCourseGerman: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xCourseGerman" to "pCourseGerman" pCourseMath: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xCourseMath" to "pCourseMath" pTarget: - as wave 2 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xTarget" to "pTarget" - three variables with information about the target person's migrational status have been calculated [t400500_g1, t400500_g2, t400500_g3]; a working paper on the generation process and theoretical background is forthcoming - 'SDQ-Scale: prosocial behaviour' [t67801a_g1] has been corrected to only contain a sum score if all included items are non-missing - the scale of variable 'Helps other voluntarily' [t67801i] has been erroneously reversed in generation of 'SDQ-Scale: prosocial behaviour' [t67801a_g1]; this has been fixed spGap: - the interview process in parent's interviews does not guarantee unique ids for parents; thus, the identifier in this dataset is no longer "ID_p", but the target person's "ID_t" spSchool: - the interview process in parent's interviews does not guarantee unique ids for parents; thus, the identifier in this dataset is no longer "ID_p", but the target person's "ID_t"