=================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 1 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** changes and updates for release NEPS SC1 8.0.0 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC1:8.0.0) ** =================================================== * Known Issues * =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 8.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from wave 8 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - meta information for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - all variables related to the date of data collection (i.e. when the competency tests and CATI interviews took place) have been updated and are now centrally stored in the CohortProfile dataset (tx86***); the variables intm and inty have been removed from all other datasets pParentCORONA: - a new dataset with information from the survey in spring 2020 on Corona related topics has been additionally incorporated in this SUF release xTargetCompetencies: - competency data from wave 7 have been updated to correct some minor errors and variable names MethodsDirectMeasures: - variable names have been partially revised in order to better reflect similarities across waves =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 7.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from Wave 7 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - an updated Data Manual is published on the website - meta information for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate pParent: - information on the federal state (Bundesland) of the place of residence (Wohnort) is now available in the Download SUF; more fine-grained information on the administrative district (Regierungsbezirk) and the county (Kreis) of the place of residence is available in the Onsite SUF spParentSchool: - information on the federal state (Bundesland) of the municipality of school (Gemeinde der Schule) is now available in the Download SUF; more fine-grained information on the administrative district (Regierungsbezirk) and the county (Kreis) of the municipality of school is available in the Onsite SUF Weights: - information on the federal state (Bundesland) of the sample frame is now available in the Download SUF xTargetCompetencies: - in the previous SUF version 6.0.0 there were erroneous names for the variables dsn4201 to dsn4001_sc9 (Zahlenspanne / Digit span); this has been fixed pEducator: - the labeling error in SUF version 6.0.0 for the generated variables e539020_g[1-6] has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from Wave 6 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - an updated Data Manual is under final review and will soon be published on the website - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate xTargetCompetencies: - due to technical problems with data storage during testing, the mathematical competence data for 12 persons were set to missing (-95); WLE's and SD's have been updated - some competence variables have been renamed with respect to the target group element (change from kX to nX) EditionBackups: - this new dataset has been incorporated into the Scientific Use File for the first time; it contains raw values before data edition (for more details see the updated Data Manual) =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 5.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 5 has been incorporated into the data xTargetCompetencies: - new published dataset containing data from competency tests from wave 4 and later - methodical information on these competency tests have been integrated into the MethodsDirectMeasures dataset. =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 4.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 4 has been incorporated into the data =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 3.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 3 has been incorporated into the data pParent: - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [p400500_g1,p400500_g2,p400500_g3] in the pParent dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [p400500_g1v1,p400500_g2v1,p400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced xDirectMeasures: - For 49 observations (27 from wave 1 and 22 from wave 2), no information in xDirectMeasures is available; in version 2.0.0, these cases had been coded 0 in all competency variables and therefore remained in dataset xDirectMeasures; starting from version 3.0.0, these cases have consequently been erased from xDirectMeasures. - For wave 3, parent-child-interaction had been measured (again), but will not be published within this release. The parent-child-interaction-data will be likely available with release 4.0.0. =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 2.0.0 * =================================================== General: - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 2 has been incorporated into the data pParent: - the variable set containing information from the multiple-response question "Birth complications" had been erroneously named [p529101] through [p529106] in version 1.0.0; this conflicts to other variable names in NEPS Starting Cohorts 2 and 3; the battery has been renamed to [p529110] through [p529115]