=================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 1 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** changes and updates for release NEPS SC1 10.0.0 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC1:10.0.0) ** =================================================== =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 10.0.0 * =================================================== CohortProfile: - ATTENTION - Change in the content of variable tx80521: up to this SUF version, the variable tx80521 ("Data available: survey target person") was identical to the variable tx80523 ("Data available: parent survey"); since wave 10, surveys are also conducted with the children, as of this SUF version, the variable tx80521 only contains valid values if a child survey has taken place and thus the variable differs from previous versions - the process for generating the variables with the date of the parent surveys (tx8620*), the target surveys (tx8600*), and the competence tests (tx8610*) has been slightly modified and, as of this SUF version, is now based on the time stamps of the surveys instead of the interviewer's entries; this may result in slight discrepancies in the corresponding variables compared to previous SUF versions xTargetCompetencies: - two missing competence items from wave 9 for the domain "Procedural meta-cognition (vocabulary)" have been added =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 9.1.1 * =================================================== MethodsCAPI: - due to a misspecification in the interviewer identifier variable (ID_int), additional interviewer information such as gender (px80301), age group (px80302), highest high school-leaving certificate (px80303), highest vocational qualification (px80330), and migrant background (px80331) was missing for waves 7 and 8; furthermore, linkability of this variable across time was not possible for wave 9; these errors were corrected with the current update =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 9.1.0 * =================================================== pParentCORONA: - since the Corona-specific questions were asked as part of a regular survey wave, the corresponding variables are now integrated in the dataset pParent; the former dataset pParentCORONA has thus been substituted and will no longer be published CohortProfile: - the variables tx8610m "Competence testing Target person: survey month 1" and tx8610y "Competence testing Target person: survey month 1" contained a coding error for wave 2 data in the last SUF release; this has now been corrected pParent: - the variable p70012y_g2 "Age of target person in days survey direct meausures (calculated)" contained a coding error for wave 2 data in the last SUF release; this has now been corrected - the wrong label for the variable pc14004 "Impression of class 4: fun in learning is gone" has been replaced by the correct label "Impression of class 4: fun in learning is encouraged" - the variable p70012y_g2 was updated to also include values for later waves than wave 3; the variable label was therefore changed slightly to "Age of target person competence test (calculated)" xTargetCompetencies: - for consistency with the general NEPS conventions for SUF variable names, the names of the items from early reading competence testing were changed; the item names now begin with "rxn9" instead of "rxg2" =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 9.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from wave 9 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - meta information for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate pParent: - variables p731802_g1 "Highest educational qualification Respondent (ISCED)" and p731802_g2 "Highest educational qualification Respondent (CASMIN)" are suffering a minor coding error. This has been fixed in the current release. =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 8.0.1 * =================================================== General: - meta information for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate pParent: - value labels for variable "Gender Target child" [p700010] had been flipped in version 8.0.0; this has been fixed (thanks to J. Lettau for reporting the issue). =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 8.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from wave 8 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - meta information for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - all variables relating to the dates of data collection (e.g. when the competency tests and cati-questionnaires took place) were updated and now stored centrally in the CohortProfile dataset (variables tx86***). Variables intm and inty have been removed from all other datasets. pParentCORONA: - a new dataset with information from an additional CAWI survey (May 2020) on Corona related topics has been incorporated in this SUF release. xTargetCompetencies: - competency data from wave 7 have been updated to correct some minor errors and variable names MethodsDirectMeasures: - variable names have been partially revised in order to better reflect similarities across waves =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 7.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from Wave 7 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - an updated Data Manual is published on the website - meta information for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate pParent: - information on the federal state (Bundesland) of the place of residence (Wohnort) is now available in the Download SUF; more fine-grained information on the administrative district (Regierungsbezirk) and the county (Kreis) of the place of residence is available in the Onsite SUF spParentSchool: - information on the federal state (Bundesland) of the municipality of school (Gemeinde der Schule) is now available in the Download SUF; more fine-grained information on the administrative district (Regierungsbezirk) and the county (Kreis) of the municipality of school is available in the Onsite SUF Weights: - information on the federal state (Bundesland) of the sample frame is now available in the Download SUF xTargetCompetencies: - in the previous SUF version 6.0.0 there were erroneous names for the variables dsn4201 to dsn4001_sc9 (Zahlenspanne / Digit span); this has been fixed pEducator: - the labeling error in SUF version 6.0.0 for the generated variables e539020_g[1-6] has been fixed =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - new data from Wave 6 have been incorporated into the Scientific Use File - an updated Data Manual is under final review and will soon be published on the website - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate xTargetCompetencies: - due to technical problems with data storage during testing, the mathematical competence data for 12 persons were set to missing (-95); WLE's and SD's have been updated - some competence variables have been renamed with respect to the target group element (change from kX to nX) EditionBackups: - this new dataset has been incorporated into the Scientific Use File for the first time; it contains raw values before data edition (for more details see the updated Data Manual) =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 5.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 5 has been incorporated into the data xTargetCompetencies: - new published dataset containing data from competency tests from wave 4 and later - methodical information on these competency tests have been integrated into the MethodsDirectMeasures dataset. =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 4.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 4 has been incorporated into the data =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 3.0.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 3 has been incorporated into the data pParent: - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [p400500_g1,p400500_g2,p400500_g3] in the pParent dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [p400500_g1v1,p400500_g2v1,p400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced xDirectMeasures: - For 49 observations (27 from wave 1 and 22 from wave 2), no information in xDirectMeasures is available; in version 2.0.0, these cases had been coded 0 in all competency variables and therefore remained in dataset xDirectMeasures; starting from version 3.0.0, these cases have consequently been erased from xDirectMeasures. - For wave 3, parent-child-interaction had been measured (again), but will not be published within this release. The parent-child-interaction-data will be likely available with release 4.0.0. =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC1 by version 2.0.0 * =================================================== General: - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional wave 2 has been incorporated into the data pParent: - the variable set containing information from the multiple-response question "Birth complications" had been erroneously named [p529101] through [p529106] in version 1.0.0; this conflicts to other variable names in NEPS Starting Cohorts 2 and 3; the battery has been renamed to [p529110] through [p529115]