# Changes in NEPSscaling Package Versions For general help with the package, see: https://www.neps-data.de/Data-Center/Overview-and-Assistance/Plausible-Values VERSION 3.1.2 -fixed -- Issues regarding underlying package updates and changes in the SUFs VERSION 3.1.1 - changed -- function display_tree() changed to display_imputation_tree() VERSION 3.0.0 - added -- NEPSshiny() function for graphical user interface - updated -- SC2 GR w3 VERSION 2.2.0 - added -- seed for reproducibility - added -- posterior variances of plausible values in output - added -- standardized regression coefficients - fixed -- NEPSscaling can now handle tibbles and haven-labelled data as bgdata - fixed -- wrong variable name in SC3 MA w9 - fixed -- longitudinal subsample for linking now calculated from SUF wles - fixed -- factors with more than 2 levels in bgdata are no longer treated as numeric VERSION 2.1.0 - added Starting Cohort 2: Vocabulary, Math (w9), Science (w9) - added Starting Cohort 1: Science (w8) - changed multiple imputation CART algorithm back to custom implementation in order to provide further information about imputation process - the output now includes the tree structures for the imputations and the variable importance - added function display_tree() to display the CART tree structure as a ggplot2 graph - added function get_imputation_names() to retrieve the names of the imputations returned with the plausible values - fixed typo in item_labels for SC3 math so that it can be used with later SUF versions (SC3 version 10 and above; thanks to Felix Bittmann) VERSION 2.0.0 - added Starting Cohort 1: Math (w5, w7), Science (w6), Cogn. Devel. (w1) - added Starting Cohort 2: Grammar (w1, w3), Math (w2, w3, w4, w6), Science (w1, w3, w5), Native Russian/Turkish (w4), Reading (w6, w9), ICT (w5), Orthography (w6) - added Starting Cohort 3: Reading (w1, w3, w6, w9), Math (w1, w3, w5, w9), ICT (w2, w5, w9), Science (w2, w5, w9), Orthography (w1, w3, w5), Native Russian/Turkish (w3, w6), English (w7, w9), Scientific Thinking (w9), Listening (w6) - added Starting Cohort 4: Reading (w2, w7, w10), Math (w1, w7, w10), ICT (w1, w7), Science (w1, w5), Native Russian/Turkish (w2), English (w3, w7), Scientific Thinking (w7) - added functions summary.pv_obj() and print.pv_obj() - changed multiple imputation CART algorithm from custom implementation to R package "mice"'s implementation, renaming the control fields for the algorithm accordingly - included argument "adjust_school_context" in plausible_values() to consider higher-level variance for student cohorts: mean WLE values per school are added to the background data - linking re-scaling now bases on wle/eap/pv means instead of on eap means only - the output now includes the means of wles, eaps and pvs as well as the number of test takers included (per wave), the computation times and logged events of the mice algorithm